Report Submission
Mixed Bag

The email address that you submit Initial/Baseline assessments to 

The regulations that outline the criteria for the delegation of nursing functions

COMAR 10.27.11


Per DHCA policy, this is how staff should document on the front of the MAR when an individual is hospitalized

A circled 'H'


In order of prioritization, these items should appear at the end of the nursing care plan

Activities of daily living


The timeframe in which the nurse must update the HRST when notified of a change in status

5 days


The appropriate time to submit a "Not Available" form

When unable to enter a home/program to review the books, medications, etc. OR During a baseline visit


The frequency that you must assess an individual when staff are performing topical wound care to stage 3 or 4 wounds

Every 7 days


When documenting repeat requests on nursing visit reports, this must be documented next to each repeat request

The title of the person notified of the repeat request

Agency Management must be notified via telephone if a change to the nursing visit schedule will occur within what timeframe of the scheduled visit

2 weeks


Name 2 types of wound care that cannot be delegated


-Sterile dressings


-Wound vac


The appropriate form to submit when assessing an individual after submitting a "Not Available" form

A nursing visit form/Baseline form


The frequency in which an individual must be assessed if they are a Level 3 for routine medications, but a Level 2 for PRN medications

Every 45 days


If there are two staff on duty when insulin is being administered, this must occur on the MAR

The second staff member must act as a witness and document on the MAR.


Name 3 of the criteria used by DHCA to recommend Nursing Health Case Management

  • HRST score of 3 or above
  • Q score of 4
  • 3 or above in 2 or more HRST Rating Items
  • Diabetes
  • Seizure Disorder
  • Dysphagia
  • History of Choking (any in lifetime)
  • History of Aspiration Pneumonia (any in lifetime)
  • History of Bowel Impaction (any in lifetime)
  • History of Sepsis (any in lifetime)
  • History of Hospitalization due to Dehydration (any in lifetime)

The only time that it is appropriate to delegate a PRN medication for anxiety

When an individual is receiving hospice care


An All-In-One Training form must be on file for each individual supported within this timeframe when a nurse takes over an entirely new caseload

4 months


The care plan must be updated within this timeframe of notification of change in status

48 hours


When the nurse administers an IM injection, these items related to the medication must be documented on the interim form in addition to the individual's physical assessment and the injection location.

Manufacturer, Lot#, Expiration date


If an individual self-medicates medical marijuana, this must be placed in writing by the physician 

A document indicating awareness and if there are any concerns related to interaction between marijuana and other medications/treatments. 


Individuals that have these two (2) medical needs require annual nutritional evaluations




The timeframe in which you must submit your initial reports (Baseline, POC, CRST/FP, Self-Med) when taking over a partial caseload

5 business days


If an individual supported is served both residentially and at the day program, and experiences a choking episode at the day program, this person(s) is responsible for completing the CRST

Both the day program nurse (48 business hours) and the residential nurse (48 hours).


By definition, when administering/documenting for a STAT medication, this medication is to be given within this timeframe of being ordered

Within 20 minutes


If an individual requires oxygen during hospitalization and will be discharged on room air, how long does the individual need to be on room air prior to discharge and what is the minimum SaO2

The individual must be on room air with no oxygen requirements and a SaO2 of 92% or above for 24 hours prior to approving discharge.


How many days since the last bowel movement requires an ER visit if the individual does not have a protocol/PRN medication from the MD?

5 or more days
