What does DNA stand for?
Deoxyribonucleic Acid
What does the polymerase chain reaction do?
It makes copies of an original DNA template.
Where is DNA extracted from?
The nucleus of cell
DNA evidence is collected from the scene of a burglary. Which of the three suspects most likely committed the crime?
Suspect 2 most likely did it because this suspect's DNA matches the crime scene DNA.
What is a restriction enzyme
A restriction enzyme is an enzyme that cuts DNA at a specific 6-8 nucleotide sequence.
What is the shape or structure of DNA?
Double helix (or spiral staircase, twisted ladder)
How does PCR help forensic scientists collecting DNA from a crime scene?
PCR can make copies of the DNA found in a crime scene sample, even if it contains very small amounts of DNA.
Give examples of cells that don't contain DNA.
Cells without a nucleus example Hair, blood, etc
Suspect C probably committed the crime because this suspect's DNA matches the crime scene.
How can restriction enzymes be used to distinguish between 2 peoples DNA?
Restriction enzymes will cut two different people's DNA in different places, causing a different band pattern when the samples are run on a gel.
What are the four chemical letters of DNA?
Adenine (A), Thymine (T), Cytosine (C), and Guanine (G) A, T, C, G
What happens during the denaturation step of PCR?
The sample is heated to 95° C, causing the two strands of DNA to separate into single strands.
What chemicals are used to break open the cell and unwind the DNA?
Salt and meat tenderizor.
A murder victim was found and was in an apparent struggle with the murderer. A bit of skin was found underneath the victim's fingernails and sent out for DNA fingerprinting. Which of the suspects most likely committed the crime?
Suspect 1 is a match for the specimen found under the victim's fingernails so most likely committed the murder.
How can you tell if a gel is running
Look for bubbles
How do the nucleotides, or chemical letters, of DNA, pair up with each other?
A pairs with T C pairs with G
What happens during the annealing step of PCR?
The sample is cooled to around 50-60° C, allowing short DNA primers to bind to certain sequences of the DNA template.
Which of these men is most likely the father of the baby?
Dad 3. Only Dad 3 has all of the bands that the child did not inherit from the mother.
What charge is DNA?
What 3 molecules make up a nucleotide
Sugar (deoxyribose), phosphate, and a Base (A,G,T,C)
What happens during the extension step of PCR?
The sample is heated to 72° C, allowing DNA polymerase to copy the DNA around the primers.
List all chemicals involved in DNA extraction and their proper order
Soap, enzyme, salt, alcohol
Soap used to break open cell membranes, enzyme used to unwind DNA, salt used to clump up proteins, and alcohol used to make DNA visible.
What is the purpose of gel Electrophoresis?
To make DNA visible in a DNA fingerprint?