What does DNA stand for?
Deoxyribonucleic Acid
A change in the nitrogen base sequence in DNA is called
An organism that has the same allele for both copies of a particular gene is said to be ________.
Homozygous or Purebred
A _________ trait is a trait that is covered over or dominated by another form of that trait and seems to disappear.
If tall (T) is dominant to short pea plants. What percentage of the offspring will be short if you cross 2 heterozygous tall pea plants?
What are the four base pairs that make up DNA's code?
Adenine, Thymine, Guanine, & Cytosine
List the 3 types of DNA mutations
An organism that has two different alleles for a particular gene is said to be ________.
Heterozygous or Hybrid
A ________ gene describes a trait that covers or powers over another form of that trait.
A guinea pig breeder owns a pure breeding black male (BB) and a pure white breeding female (bb). What is the percentage that the offspring will be black?
List the 3 parts of a nucleotide.
Sugar (deoxyribose), Phosphate, Nitrogen Base
What type of mutation leaves out a nitrogen base when copying the DNA?
A _________ is the genetic makeup of an organism.
List the letters (alleles) for a human female.
Having freckles is dominant to being un-freckled. Cross a hybrid freckled person with an un-freckled person. What is the percentage for the offspring to be un-freckeled?
When DNA is organized and prepared for cell division (meiosis and mitosis), what are the structures of DNA called? (Hint: You have 23 pairs of these organized DNA structures.)
What type of mutation adds an extra base when copying the DNA?
A _________ is the physical appearance of an organism as a result of its genes.
When a trait is incompletely dominant or co-dominant, what happens to the traits in the offspring if it is heterozygous?
The traits mix evenly
Being albino is a recessive trait to having normal skin pigmentation. What are the chances of having an albino child whose parents are albino and heterozygous normal skin pigmentation?
What would be the matching side to the following DNA:
Which type of DNA mutation is the most common?
The different forms of a gene are called
Sections of DNA that code for a single trait are called
Red flowers are co-dominant to white flowers resulting in pink flowers. Cross 2 pink flowers and tell the percentage of white, pink, and red flowers in the offspring.
25% Red, 25% White, 50% Pink