what is the first step in DNA replication?
to ‘unzip’ the double helix structure of the DNA molecule.
what is the enzyme called that performs transcription?
RNA polymerase
what happens during translation?
the mRNA is "decoded" to build a protein
He is the scientist that studied pneumonia and initially encountered the "transforming factor"
Frederick Griffith
what is the structure of DNA?
double helix
what enzyme "unzips" DNA double helix structure
What is being transcribed in the process of transcriptiom
DNA template into RNA
attached to an anti -codon and amino acid
transfer RNA
Name of the 5 carbon sugar found in DNA
(Deoxy) RIBOSE
what is the structure of RNA?
single stranded
This enzymes base pairs and repairs dna
DNA polymerase
the ability to turn on/off the copying a gene's DNA sequence to make an RNA molecule is called?
gene expression/ gene regulation
Within what structure does Translation take place
which scientist discovered that DNA was the "transforming principle"
Hershey and Chase
These structures are bonded covalently and form the railings of the DNA molecule
Sugar and phosphate
what do the two strands act as after being split by the helicase enzyme?
they act as templates for making the new strands of DNA.
Where does transcription take a place
In the nucleus
a there nitrogenous base sequence read by the ribosome to create polypeptides
who were the two individuals who found the double helix structure?
Francis Crick and James Watson
what parts of DNA is bound together through hydrogen bonds?
nitrogen containing bases
DNA retains an template strand and a new strand in each double helix in DNA replication. this end results makes DNA replication
what is the goal of transcription?
The goal of transcription is to make an RNA copy of a gene's DNA sequence.
why is translation important in biology?
because in the process of making proteins. Without transcription and translation, your body would have no possible way to make proteins or function. Proteins allow your body to do everything.
who took the photographs that helped discover the double helix model?
Rosalind Franklin
what is the main role of DNA?
the long-term storage of genetic information.