___ are used for evidence in legal cases
what are DNA fingerprints?
A change in an organism's DNA.
What's a mutation?
process by which DNA is copied during the cell cycle
what is replication?
scientist who found the "transforming principle"
who is Frederick Griffith?
stores genetic information in all organisms
what is DNA?
copying DNA to make RNA
what is transcription?
Agents in the environment that can change DNA
what are mutagens?
enzymes that form bonds between nucleotides during replication
what are DNA polymerases?
scientists who created the double helix
Who is Watson and Crick?
model that compares the structure of a DNA molecule
what is the Double Helix?
enzymes that cut DNA molecules when they identify specific nucleotide sequences
what are restriction enzymes?
involves the insertion or deletion of a nucleotide in the DNA sequence
what is a frameshift mutation?
corrects DNA replication errors
what is the "proofreading" function?
scientists who studied viruses and found a procedure that used the chemical elements found in protein and DNA
Who is Hershey and Chase?
A & T; C & G
what are the base pairing rules?
shows the lengths of DNA fragments between restriction sites in a strand of DNA
what are restriction maps?
mutation in which one nucleotide is substituted for another
what is a point mutation?
what carries out the process of replication
what are proteins and enzymes?
scientist who presented a process to purify their extract of S bacteria as evidence to support Griffith's theory
Who is Oswald Avery?
monomers that make up DNA
what are nucleotides?
technique that produces millions of copies of a DNA sequence
What is PCR?
mutation where a piece of one chromosome moves to a nonhomologous chromosome
what is translocation?
enzymes unzips the double helix and DNA polymerases bond the template with new strands of DNA together.
how does DNA serve as a template during replication?
scientists who studied DNA with x-rays
who is Rosalind Franklin and Maurice Wilkins?
DNA is composed of _____ types of nucleotides
Hint: it's a number!
What is four?