Tieflings gain bonuses to these two stats.
Charisma and Intelligence?
The Baldurian Goddess of the night who is also known as the Moonmaiden.
This Goddess of all evil dragons is trapped in the top layer of hell.
Who is Tiamat?
This is the single most feared and powerful monster in Dungeons and Dragons.
What is the Tarrasque?
This class gets the ability to cast spells through performance?
What is a Bard?
In Dungeons and Dragons a standard dice set has seven dice. Name all seven.
What are D4, D6, D8, D10, Percentile, D12, and D20?
Selune's counterpart and the Goddess of loss.
This powerful vampire is most famous for terrorizing the town of Ravenloft.
Who is Strahd von Zarovich?
This is the largest species of the evil chromatic dragons.
What is a Red Dragon?
At level 5 a druid can have a wildshape that can swim but cannot what?
What is fly?
Name one of the fish person species in DnD.
What are Locatha, Tritons, or Merfolk?
The Goddess of magic and the weave.
Who is Mystra?
This legendary demon has fought for thousands of years in the Blood Wars of Avernus.
Who is Archduke Zariel?
This is the armor class of a Green Hag.
What is 10?
The famous adventurer Elminster is this class.
What is a wizard?
This man created Dungeons and Dragons.
Who is Gary Gygax?
This Goddess sometimes referred to as Asgorath is the mother of Tiamat and Bahamut.
Who is Io?
This multiverse traveling lich lies in the Tomb of Horrors.
Who is Acerak?
Name every monster.
Do it
How many hit dice does a barbarian have?
What is 1D12?