A Tabaxi Swashbuckler Rogue
Who is Puss in boots
This Rogue Subclass is the Master of Yoinking
What is the Thief Rogue
This Feat allows you reroll a D20 or force a something else to
What is the Luck Feat
This is a Wizard, Sorcerers, and Alastors Favorite spell it creates a fiery explosion
What is fireball
This is the Term for a person who hoards a lot of Dice
An Aasimar Moon Druid who wield a gain hook
Who is Maui (from Moana)
This Sorcerer Subclass gives you chaotic magic that can't always be tamed
What is the Wild Magic Sorcerer
This Feat lets you choose more skills to be proficient with
What is the Skilled feat
This spell allows you to shoot magical darts that always hit their targets unless the Shield spell is used
What is Magic Missile
What DnD Group created Legend of Vox Machina and Mighty Nine
Who are Critical Roll
A Human Drake Warden (Ranger) Artificer multi-class
Who is Hiccup (from Httyd)
The Patron of this Warlock Subclass is the opposite it fiendish
What is the Pact of the Celestial Warlock
This Feat allows you to cast a spell as a bonus action
What is the WarCaster feat
This spell allows you to give you self or another creature, an extra select action, and makes you fast
What is the Haste spell
This Very Rare Magic Item allows you to cast Haste on yourself (it is not a piece of Jewelry)
What are the Boots of Haste (Boots with the Fur)
A Human Berserker Barbarian that change color when raging
Who is The Hulk/Bruce Banner
This Cleric Subclass allows you to avoid attacks by flash banging enemies
What is the Light Domain cleric
What is the Defensive duelist Feat
This spell forces a Dexterity saving throw and if fail causes a light to shine around them giving advantage on attack rolls against this creature
What is the Faerie Fire spell
Which Eldritch Invocation allows you to add your charisma modifier to your Eldritch Blast
What is Agonizing Blast
A Tortle Way of Mercy Monk who always seems to be high
Who is Master Oogway (from Kung Fu Panda)
This Fighter Subclass is based off of real warriors
This Feat allows you to infuse a playing card with a magic spell
What is the Cartomancer feat
This spell requires concentration and when cast allows you to heal the maximum number of hit points from a healing spell
What is Beacon of Hope
This 20th level Artificer ability allows you to avoid death saving throws by destroying a magic item
What is Soul of Artifice