This furry friend is known for its tentacles and panther like appearance
What do you roll for EVERY SKILL CHECK
D20 its always a d20
This goddess is featured in Bg3 and is known as the lady of pain and if the goddess of darkness and loss
What is it called when barbarians get super angry and attack
Tieflings are immune to what type of damage
This monster can be long as its an object
A mimic
True or false restrained and grappled are the same thing
False! Grappled is done by an enemy while restrained is done by an object
This mystical lady will charm you with her magic abilities as she resides over magic
What do wizards use to cast their spells
What is it called when a species can see in the dark
11 eyes and each with a different affect, beauty is found in the eye of this monstrosity
What is it called when you roll a dice at the beginning of combat to determine order of attacks
Vox machina fans be prepared to try and remember pikes goddess also known as the everlight
What do paladins use to cast spells
What cantrip do drow know
Dancing lights
This geometry nightmare is known for its acid damage and shape
Gelatinous cube
find the odd one out, Arcana, Investigation, nature, medicine
Medicine uses wisdom not intelligence
This goddess may bring the pain but she also loves you
When a spell caster uses something other than a cantrip what are they using?
Spell slots
What is the most common cantrip for tieflings to know
Unlike most that share its tittle this little friend doesnt get stronger as it ages, no matter how ancient it might be
Ready, search, attack, cast a spell and dash are all what.
This goddess reelects the suns light back at it with her domain being the moon.
Barbarians dont need armor because they have blank
Unarmored defense
What skill are half orcs proficient in