Pertaining to fire safety, what is R.A.C.E. ?
Rescue/Remove, Alert/Alarm, Contain/Confine, Extinguish/Evacuate
Smoke/Fire observed
Response: R.A.C.E. and P.A.S.S.
Contact Supervisor, Notify SOC,
Call 1090
Registration Times - system goal is...
7 minutes
What do you do if there is an Active Shooter?
Bonus: when safe to do so, call 1090 overhead page and 911
Where do you wear your employee badge?
upper left part of your chest
Pertaining to fire extinguisher operation, what is P.A.S.S. ?
Pull the pin, Aim at the base of the fire, Squeeze the handle, Sweep from side to side
Bomb threat or Suspicious item found on site
Response: Call SOC 1515
Wait Times-system goal is...
5 minutes
True or False: Open drinks and food are okay to have at the desk if you are hungry.
No food or uncovered drinks at the desk.
A drink station will be available for employees to store their beverage containers with lids.
What do you NEVER SAY
"I don't know"
Instead tell them how you can find the answer or refer to your manager
What is B.E. F.A.S.T.
Balance trouble standing
Eyes blurred/double vision
Face mouth droops
Arm one arm drifts down
Speech slurred
Time call 911 immediately
Cardiac Arrest - not breathing or no pulse
Response: Shout for help, call 1090 overhead page for Rapid Response
Collections - system goal is...
45% of TOS
Fire extinguishers and pull stations must be _______.
What is iCARE
What does S.T.E.E.P.E. stand for?
Safe: patients are not harmed during their care
Timely: patients are treated without unnecessary delay
Effective: patients are treated with evidence-based medicine
Efficient: patients are treated without waste or overuse
Patient-centered: made to feel trust belonging and hope. Including patients and family in decision-making.
Equitable: treated fair and impartial
Possible abduction or missing infant/child
Response: Call 1090 Code Pink Everbridge message
Overhead page every 15 minute, details of abductor and/or abductee, last known location and any other details
Go to the nearest exit, window, stairwell in your area and if seen stop suspect(s) if possible or alert Security
Patient Experience - system goal is...
75th percentile
True or False: The Examiners include your name on their reports.
Bonus: If examiners are not with an AH employee, request ID and request your supervisor be present for the interview.
What is EMTALA?
Emergency Medical Treatment and Labor Act
Requires anyone coming to ED to be treated/stabilized regardless of ins. or ability to pay
Response: Call 1090 for Code Orange Everbridge message
Await response from Decontamination team
If radiological, call Radiation Safety 407 834 2210
Where can you find our department metrics?
LENS, email, teams
Where can you find our department metrics?
LENS, email, teams
What do you do if a patient falls or is injured in front of you on our property? (4 things)
1. Check on the Patient
2. Call a code if needed
3. Call Security to complete an investigation
4. Place a report in Origami