R.A.C.E -Remove persons in area. -Activate the alarm -Close the doors -Evacuate the area
What are the steps you take in the event of a fire?
Before touching the patient, Before clean aseptic procedure, After body fluid exposure risk, After touching a patient, and After touching the patient's surrounding
What are the 5 moments of hand hygiene?
A task will fire in 24 hours reminding the nurse to follow up on this document.
What is advanced directive. This is the newly revised way of reminding the nurse to follow up on an advance directive that LAPs will be bringing from home.
This health history must be on the chart written or transcribed within 24 hrs of admission and prior to surgery or procedure requiring anesthesia services. It cannot be more than 30 days old.
What is the H&P?
Employees know how to look this up as follows: Intranet/application/Physician/AHP lookup, choose a facility, enter provider last name, click on _____, View procedures __________
What are medical staff privileges?
-Go to the nearest exit window or hallway in your area and be alert for persons with bags, bundles of boxes.
What is Code Pink? or What are the steps you should take when there is an suspected infant abduction?
In the event of this happening the team member should flush exposed mucous membranes and eyes with clean water (remove contact lenses prior to flushing). If stick with a used needle clean the punctured area with soap and water.
What is what to do immediately in the event of an exposure?
Place a copy in the chart (legal consent section). Send a copy to Right Fax (407 303- 0604).
What is where should the advance directive go once you receive a copy from the patient?
This plan must be completed within 24 hours of admission and updated every shift. It must reflect the patient current status.
What is the IPOC?
Patients are allowed to designate a 24 hour support person. This cannot be restricted unless clinically neccesary.
What is patient visitation rights?
Immediately cover spill with absorbent material to contain it and evacuate the area. Call security at 303-1515.
What are the steps to take when handling a chemical spill?
Wear gown, gloves, remove PPE and discard before leaving patient's room, perform hand hygiene, transport patient with clean gown and have patient perform hand hygiene.
What are steps to follow when your patient is on contact precautions?
If the patient had this document from prior admissions a copy could be scanned into the electronic chart and can be found in these sections. The nurse must check to see if this document is in these sections of the chart.
What is advance directive tab or patient care summary section?
These are dated, timed and authenticated within 48 hours by the ordering practitioner or practitoner responsible for the care of the patient. The cadeusus indicates this is not cosigned as yet.
What are patient orders?
These are wasted in the sink with a witness.
What are controlled drugs?
- Remove defective device. - Call in a work order for the equipment. - Complete a DO NOT USE sticker when required information and affix tag to equipment.
What are the steps to take when equipment is not working properly?
These are the most common: surgical site infections, CLABSI, CAUTI, VAP, Clostridium difficile and MDROs (MRSA, VRE, ESBL, CRE, KPC).
What are the most common health care associated infections?
A task will fire to one of these interdisciplinary team members when the patient request assistance to fill out an advance directive.
What is pastoral care or care management?
This form properly executed has the following information: Name of the patient or legal guardian, Name of the hospital, A legal document that contains: name of specific procedure(s) or medical treatment, Name of responsible practitioner who is performing the procedure or administering the medical treatment, signature of the patient or legar representative, date and time signed by patient or legal representative, statement including anticipated benefits, material risk, and alternative therapies was explained to the patient.
What is the consent form?
An order is no longer needed every 24 hours if this device is in place and no changes to the original order has occurred.
What are restraints?
Normal saline, Lactated Ringer's, D5W, and controlled substances with witness.
What are substances that can be disposed down the drain?
To prevent the transmission of these one should: Use antibiotics judiciously, place patients with this colonization on contact precaution, and avoid sharing of patient care equipment between patients (if it must be shared disinfect equipment between patients).
What is how to prevent the transmission of MDROs?
The patient does not have an advanced directive and does not wish to fill one out.
What is the advanced directive process is complete for this patient?
Nursing staff completes this assessment of the patient's condition within 24 hours of admission to an inpatient setting.
What is the PHH?
These are some of the measures to prevent this patient condition from occurring: Aseptic technique on insertion, hand hygiene, securement device in place, maintain closed drinage system, care with chlorhexidine every shift, remove asap, assess daily necessity, keep below a certain anatomical part, do not obstruct flow.
What is CAUTI?