Where is the eye wash station in your unit?

how often does it need checked?

In the out cove located beside the negative airflow room.

Needs checked twice a year- January and July.


What is the practice for handling broken equipment?

Take it out of use. Label do not use. Place a workorder through the I-net.


Locate the keys to unlock the bathrooms.  

Where are they located in your unit?

Bathroom key in PACU is in the drawer by the charge nurse computer.

The holding room bathroom key is in the locked drawer on the flashlight keychain.

Both are labeled “bathroom key”


What is the max temp that the blanket warmers should be set to?

Only set blanket warmers to 129*. Blanket warmers should be less than 130. If you see the temperature read 130, turn it down—it needs to be less than 130.


Locate the oxygen shut off valves in your unit.

Explain where they are and who is responsible for shutting them off in the event of a fire?

O2 shut off valves are in bay 71 in the department.

Per MAP policy 408, the charge nurse or designee is responsible to shut off the oxygen valves in the event of a fire/emergency.  Once turned off- the decision to turn back on will be made by Engineering or the York City Fire Department.


Where are the emergency procedure manuals located in your unit?

It is the red binder located on the wall by the pyxis.  You can also use the inet to access information under “Emergency Mgmnt & Security”.


What do the acronyms RACE and PASS stand for?

RACE-Rescue, Alarm, Contain, Extinguish   PASS-Pull, Aim, Squeeze, Sweep


What are the wet times for our cleaning wipes?

The correct answer is- whatever the container says.  Different types of wipes have different recommended drying times.


Are pill crushers and pill splitters multi use or single use?

Because they are used so infrequently in our department, they are SINGLE use and should be sent with the patient (if inpatient) or disposed of.  They are stocked in the supply room.  Failure to properly clean these items can leave residue from prior meds can cause reactions to other patients (if allergies).


How long can a pre-spiked IV bag hang without being used before it needs discarded?

IV fluids that are spiked and primed in preparation for a patient are only good for 1 HOUR unless the infusion has been started, in that case they can hang for 24 hours.  Please date and time all IV bags with orange sticker.


Explain what projects or OFIs are being worked on in your unit.

 See the huddle board in your unit.


What is the hospital policy for fragrance and fingernails?

No fragrance allowed. Fingernails- Take from policy IC 103.

Personnel covered by the policy: 1. Must maintain their nails to ensure that natural nails are no longer than¼ an inch unless in an area the requires surgical attire in which case AORN standards are 2mmor less. 2.Must maintain nail edges to ensure that they are free from snags or rough edges that could harbor microorganisms and/or potentially tear gloves.3. Must not wear artificial nail of any type as outlined above. 4.May wear uncured fingernail polish only if it is free of chips and can be easily removed if chips occur.


Where can you locate an IFU?

On the I-net, Under All- locate “One Src IFUs”.  This is where you would find instructions on how to use equipment in use.


Where are the units fire extinguishers. 

What makes it a special fire extinguisher?

PACU fire extinguisher is located in cubby with eye wash station, near patient lockers.

It's a clean agent - safe around people

Hexafluoropropane is the chemical agent


What is the process for storing EKG stickers after the package is opened?  And how long are they good for once opened?

Once open, a multiuse package of EKG stickers must be stored in an airtight package, ie sealed plastic bag.  Our current product is good for 45 days once opened if stored appropriately.  Please use the pink labels to indicate when the pack of EKG stickers was opened and when it should be discarded. Place dates on sticker.


Explain how critical results are documented in the patient record.

Use the critical results/provider notification tab in the flowsheets to document critical lab/imaging results or important information shared with physicians- change in patient condition, abnormal BP, glucose, etc.


According to our policy, when is a POSS scale indicated?

POSS is required on arrival and discharge and with every vital sign until patient meets Recovery care complete.


Describe how oxygen is stored in your unit.

It is stored upright, in designated racks.  “Full” or “Used”.  Any O2 tank that has been used, even for only 2 minutes, should be placed in the used rack.  Only completely full O2 tanks should be stored in the Full rack.


Explain the policy for administering prn pain medications?

Administer medications according to the patients rated pain scale- 1-3, 4-6, 7-10.  Pain reassessment is 60 min from IV and 120 min from PO. From policy SYS-PQ “In all circumstances where there is a discrepancy in pain scale and medication dose choice the nurse will document the reasoning behind the discrepancy in the electronic medication administration record eMAR”. BPA fires when dose doesn’t match pain scale and choose appropriate answer. Don’t forget to use CNPI as another option to validate pain scores, if it doesn’t match what patient is saying.


How do you know if equipment is sterile?

It is in an unopened, sealed package.


What process for labeling medications do you follow?

When preparing IV medications, include patient label, medication, and concentration of drug on syringe.


How do you know if a piece of equipment is clean?

It is labeled as clean with Red/Yellow/Green sticker. The tag must be dated!


How do you determine if a storeroom item is out of date?  

What symbol would you look for?

Expired items will be identified with a date beside an hourglass.  

Don’t confuse this with the manufacturers date.


Why did Samuel L. Jackson requested a purple lightsaber for his character Mace Windu in Star Wars?

He wanted to be able to easily distinguish himself in large battle scenes.


What is the airspeed velocity of an unladen swallow?

 24 miles per hour...European of course!
