Clean as a Whistle
Fire and Ice
Keep me safe
Let's Talk

Identify dwell times for the following wipes: (P/G/O)

Purple top

Grey top

Orange top

What is:  2/3/4!

Purple top- 2 minutes

Grey top- 3 minutes

Orange top- 4 minutes


What are the elements of RACE?

R- Rescue

A- Alarm

C- Contain

E- Evacuate or Extinguish


Name the TWO patient identifiers used at CMHS.

What are:

Patient Name

Patient Birthdate


The Handoff Communication tool acronym used at CMHS is ________. What are the parts?

What is:  SBAR

1- Situation            2- Background

3- Assessment        4- Recommendation


I've splashed something into my eye!! 

What do I do???  

(two parts)

1-  Eye wash station x 15 minutes or entire eye wash bottle if no eyewash station available.

2- Fill out Employee Injury report (Needle stick/Body Fluid exposure version)


This indicates that equipment has been cleaned and is ready for use on a new patient.

What is:  A plastic bag covering equipment.


What are the areas of a floor/unit that are separated by automatic Fire Doors?

What are: Smoke compartments


What information is found on a biomed sticker?

What is:  "Due Date- month/year"


We have a new CODE phone number- what is it?

What is:  *7

(Note:  Dialing 7 or *7 will both work in the Same Day Surgery area- we tested it!!)


Do this before and after patient contact, after removing gloves, before you eat and after using the restroom!

What is: Wash your hands !!


Describe steps when finished with instruments and transporting from the OR to SPD.

What is:  

Spray all instruments (used or not) with enzymatic spray, 

transport to SPD in a closed container/cart.


This devices is used to evacuate patients down stairwells.

What is:   Med Sled


What we grab when a specimen container with formalin tips over and contents run out!

What is:   A Formalin Spill Kit


Name the translation device used at CMH.

(I-pad format now!!)

What is: Cyracom translator


The "Time Out" must include what THREE pieces of information (at least).

What is:

Patient I.D. 

Consented Procedure

Site of Surgery (and side if applicable)


Identify the waste containers for the following: 

1- Sharps and Medications      

2- Narcotics

3- Chemotherapy        

4- Tissue not sent as specimen

1- Sharps and Medications- Purple top container    

2- Narcotics- White Stericycle Rx waste

3- Chemotherapy- Black Hazardous waste (RCRA)

4- Tissue not sent as specimen- Red Pathology bin


Ice Machines are cleaned externally each week by what department?

Who is: EVS


Name the RANGES for the following:

1) Room temp       2) Room humidity

3) Fluid warmer temp maximum

4) Blanket warmer temp maximum

What are: 1) Room temp-  68-75 degrees     

2) Room humidity-   30-60% RH

3) Fluid warmer temp maximum-  104 degrees

4) Blanket warmer temp maximum- 120 degrees


How do we find (M)SDS information?

What are:

1- CMH Intranet, click on Verisk 3E link

or look for Black and yellow signs and 

2-   dial 1(800)451-8346


Besides the attending surgeon, who may mark a surgical site?

Who is:  A resident physician that will be involved in the procedure.

No PA, No RNFA, No medical student


"Event Related Sterility" means an item is ok to use without a specific expiration date, but be sure to check for ___________________?

What is:

Package Integrity

There should be no tears, stains, holes or over-wear of packaging.


Who can shut off a medical gas valve?

Who is:

Anyone who has been trained

***Must be directed by a supervisor, fire personnel, engineering or anesthesiologist.


Which isolation precaution requires staff wear a N-95 mask?

What is:  Airborne


How is narcotic waste documented?

What is: Two people co-sign on the pyxis machine


Name the four Wound Classifications

What are:

1) Clean            2) Clean Contaminated

3) Contaminated       4) Dirty 
