About ANTs
True or False
Name that ANT
Types of ANTs
Change That Thought

Why are ANTs considered negative?

They focus on what stops us from doing what we want


ANTs can stop you from doing as well as you can

True: ANTs can make you feel insignificant and incapable, causing you to focus on what seems impossible rather than on doing or feeling your best


I NEVER get picked for the team at recess!

All or Nothing ANT


What is an example of the Mind Reader ANT?

They are laughing at us. 

He doesn't like the food I cooked.


She doesn't want me to come to the dinner.

It doesn't matter what they think, all I have to do is be kind.


Why are they automatic?

ANTs come into our heads without us knowing or wanting them to


ANTs are not cognitive distortions.

False: ANTs are cognitive distortions. They are irrational thoughts that negatively impact how you feel, behave, and see the world. They can pop up at any time and can be harmful when they occur often or are extreme.


It's supposed to rain. There is no way we're going to have fun at the park today.

Catastrophizing or Just the Bad ANT


What is an example of the Magical Thinking ANT?

They would have won the game if I had worn my lucky socks.


No matter how hard I try, I will never get this!

I'll try my best, it's OK if I don't get everything right. 


How can you catch an ANT?

Challenge it. - Is it true? Are you 100% sure that it's true? Is it helpful?


"I shouldn't have said that. Now, I'll never have any friends" is an ANT

True: a lot of Should/Shouldn't sentences are ANTs


They will have more fun if I don't play.

Personalization ANT


What is an example of a Fortune Telling ANT?

I am not going to pass the test. 

I won't get invited to the party.


They are talking about me over there. 

I don't know what they talking about. Maybe they are saying they like my shoes. 


How can you replace the ANT?

Put a positive spin on a thought and consider the size of the problem


"I did my best" is an ANT

False: This statement is positive and can be a way to challenge an ANT like, "I'm a failure", and a healthy way of thinking about a situation where you did not get the best grade, win, or succeed in a way you wanted.


If feel ugly, so I'm ugly.

The Emotional Reasoning ANT


What is an example of the Overgeneralization ANT?

I did a bad job on the interview. I am never going to get a job.


I should have known that.

There is no way I can know everything. I know now, so I learned something.


How can you tell a thought isn't an ANT?

The thought is positive, focused on what you can control and supported by evidence


Believing you aren't smart when you have 5 As and one D on your progress report is an ANT.

True: This is an example of a disqualifying the positive ANT. It happens when an individual only see the negative part of a situation (D) and doesn't pay attention to the positive (5 As).


I will not be able to get enough votes to win. 

The Fortune Teller ANT


What is an example of the All or Nothing ANT?

We will never make any money!

I always sit by myself!

I never get picked to play!


This is the worst day ever!

I am upset right now, but not everything about today has been bad.
