Georgia's and Jonathan's cat's name
who is kumo?
G's undergraduate major
what is english literature?
G's voice part
what is first soprano?
G's favourite cake
what is carrot cake?
G's birthday
november 9, 1999
the name of G's high school
what is Maple Ridge Secondary School (MRSS)?
G's current job title
what is senior account manager?
the names of the three choirs G sings in currently
Vancouver Youth Choir (VYC), Nabi, and Intertidal Choral Ensemble (ICE)
G's favourite colour
What is green?
G's shoe size
what is 8?
3 of G's family's pet's names
who are: baby, coco, angel, momo, lady, rocky, kayla, alfred, chester, max, charlie, benjie, sister, and shadow
G's undergraduate minor
what is law & society?
what are turkey, the netherlands, croatia, austria, italy, slovenia, costa rica, and the US?
G's favourite fruit/berry
what are blueberries?
G's middle name
what is rae?
the country G and her mom visited when she was 12
what is Greece (or England)?
G's boss's name
who is sheldon?
the number of years G sang in bc girls choir
what is 10 years?
G's favourite pasta dish
what is vegetarian lasagna?
the # of moles on G's face
What is 3? (50 bonus points if you know where they are)
G's half-brother's name
who is kohei?
the reason G's GRSJ prof was disappointed in her
What is her degree at sauder?
G's voice part in bcyc 2022 (with jim sparks)
what is alto 1?
G's favourite brush pen brand
what is tombow (50 bonus points for tombow fudenosuke)
G's wednesday morning routine