This country has more pyramids than Egypt. Which is it? Mexico; Peru; Nicaragua; Chile
Mexico. Mexico boasts more pyramids than Egypt, with remnants of the Mayan and Aztec civilization.
When does our Christmas happen?
December 24th at 11:59pm; Noche Buena
Regardless of what kind of party it was you can bet that this Mexican musician would come on. He was known worldwide as "El Rey"
Vicente Fernandez; Chente
For most kids from Central/South America growing up, there was one sport you had to try regardless of whether you wanted to or not. What was it?
Soccer; Futbol
The lecture we all got before heading into a store with our parents or grandparents.
No me pidas nada; Comportate o te parto la verga; *you got a preventative whooping*
This country has the deepest lake in all of Central America. Which is it? Honduras; Costa Rica; Guatemala; Panama
Guatemala. Lake Atitlan is the deepest lake in Central America, with a maximum depth range of up to 340 meters.
Just after the New Year, many of us from Central and South America also celebrate this holiday. What is it?
Three Kings Day (Jan. 6th); Dia de los Reyes
You go get something to drink, but there are two different coolers. Why?
One "Adult" cooler, One "kids" cooler
For those who come from Caribbean families or one of the few Central/South American countries who play it, there was a different sport you had to play. What was it?
Baseball; Beisbol
Anytime we got sick, regardless of what we were feeling. This was the only medicine needed
Vicks VapoRub
Although not a Latin or Hispanic country, this country has Spanish as its official language. Which Country is it? Kenya; Equatorial Guinea; South Africa; Madagascar
Equatorial Guinea. It is the only country in the continent of Africa that has Spanish as its official language.
Halloween is one of the biggest holidays in the U.S., but following a similar taste, what is the holiday that many Central American countries celebrate just after Halloween.
Dia de Los Muertos (Nov. 1st - Nov. 2nd)
You know you have a party to attend later on in the day, do you eat before getting to the party?
No, you are going to eat so much
Where would you spend most of your weekends?
At the athletic fields; La Cancha
You threw a tantrum out in public, your parent didn't hit you right there. Instead they they tell you this.
Wait until we get home; vas a ver cuando llegamos a la casa
This country's native people are the ones who cultivated potatoes about 10,000 years ago. Which is this? Mexico; Bolivia; Colombia; Peru
Peru. They first discovered wild potatoes on the shores of Lake Titikaka, now you can find almost 4,000 varieties of potatoes in Peruvian Highlands.
What do you eat once it hits 12 on New Years?
12 Grapes
You are invited to the cookout, they tell you it is Saturday at noon. What time should you get there?
1:30-2:30, if you get there any earlier you will end up helping get everything set up.
Almost every single kid at some point in their life had this player's jersey, especially if you played soccer. Who is it?
Lionel Messi
You're out on the road with your parents, you see a McDonalds or a Burger King. You ask if can stop by and get some food. What do they say?
No, we have food at home; Que no, tenemos comida en la casa
This country's islands can be accredited with helping Charles Darwin make his groundbreaking discoveries. Venezuela; Guyana; El Salvador; Ecuador
Ecuador. The Galapagos Islands is where Darwin was when he made a number of observations concerning the variations of Bird and Giant Tortoises.
Originating in Puerto Rico, each country puts their own spin on this drink. It is usually had around Christmas time. What is it?
You're at a family party; you walk into a bedroom looking for your jacket. What do you see?
A baby sleeping in the room; El bebe dormiendo
Anytime you would hurt your ankle or any other part of your body what would you do? Would you go to the doctors?
Have a family member look at it and massage the area; *make you cry from the massage*
It is the hottest day of the summer, you're hungry, you just got home and ask your mom what's there to eat. She made what?
Soup; Caldo