What grade did I break my wrist?
What is 3rd Grade?
What is my favourite non-cat and dog animal?
What is a sugarglider?
What are my top 3 hobbies?
What is art, cooking, and gaming?
How long did I take to say I love you (romantically)?
What is no time at all?
What was my childhood nickname?
What is Big Al?
What food did I eat non-stop when I was younger?
What is hotdogs?
What is my favourite brand of Mac n Cheese?
What is Annie's?
What is the hobby I want to get into the most?
What is sewing?
What is your name in my phone?
What is My Dumbass 2 (Ayden)?
What is my love language?
What did my Nana get mad at me for doing while she was watching me?
What is displaying my stuffies?
What is my all-time favourite song?
What is O' Children?
What is my most expensive hobby?
What is thrifting?
What is my favourite gif we send to eachother?
What is the deal gif?
What is Spring?
What hat did I wear constantly as a kid?
What is Fashion is dead?
What was my favourite movie as a kid?
What is Bolt?
What hobby have I been doing the longest?
What is art?
What was my reaction to finding out I liked you?
What is panic?
What was the reason I didn't join RISE game-night?
What is worried of being weird in front of you?
What is my favourite video game?
What is FF7 Remake?
What game was the turning-point for my hobby?
What is Genshin Impact?
What is my favourite moment of our relationship?
What is going for a walk in the rain?
What is my weirdest talent?
What is wiggling my years?