The Play Therapist is an adult who intently observes, empathically listens, and encouragingly recognizes not only the child’s play but also the child’s wants, needs, and feelings is also called. . ."_____ '____' "
It is also the most important for the therapist to do this in session with the client.
Being 'with'
This item should not require a child to seek assistance in using . . .
The toys. . .
Who began CCPT at the University of Texas?
Garry Landreth
Change this therapists tracking response to be child centered. . .
Child draws a picture and shows it to the therapist looking worried:
Therapist: "Thats a really nice picture you drew, I love it"
Therapist: "You're worried about what how your picture looks, you're not too sure you like it"
Therapist: "You drew a picture and now you're showing me"
Responses are centered around the child thoughts and actions!
Reflect this Non-verbal Behavior :
Sarah paces around the playroom, touching many toys, but not playing with any.
"You are really curious what is in this room"
"You're not sure what to do in here"
Another distinctive feature of CCPT is facilitative ______________ are used by the counselor.
“The therapist genuinely believes children are capable of figuring things out for themselves, trusts their decisions as being appropriate for them within the boundaries of their developmental capabilities, and communicates this attitude through responses to children” (Landreth, 2012).
If toys are children "words". . .then play is childrens' "_________"
In the 1960s, the Guerney's created another form of CCPT to assist parents in learning the CCPT model.
Filial Therapy
The three central constructs of Child-centered.
Person, Phenomenal field, self
__________ style of therapy makes no effort to control or change the child and is based on the belief that a child behavior is caused by their need for self-realization.
Non-directive play
Play furnishes the child with the opportunities to ____________________ situations which are
disturbing, conflicting, and confusing to her. The child has a need to be physically active.
“act out”
A dart gun, Bobo doll, toy soldier and rubber knife are all in this category of toys. . .
Acting-out OR Aggressive-release
Who are the Grandfather's of Play Therapy?
Frued, Jung, and Adler
When you focus on the __________, you lose sight of the child
The therapist can be actively involved with the child even without playing
A child may not always want a playmate. The attitude of therapist is more important to the child.
Children are able to use __________ to say what they cannot say, do things they would feel uncomfortable doing, and express feelings they may be reprimanded for verbalizing.
TRUE OR FALSE: Vibrant colors, carpets, windows, and small spaces are characteristics of a good playroom.
Please provide examples of GOOD characteristics.
(i.e., category bins for toys, a sink, two-way mirror, no windows, vinyl floors)
Non-directive and Child-centered Play Therapy derived from this researcher who also wrote 'DIBS In Search Of Self'.
Virginia Axline (1947)
Play Therapy is PROVEN to be beneficial to a child. What are some aspects a child gains from this type of Therapy.
They learn . . .
Express feelings responsibly
Feelings are okay
Take responsibility for self and actions
Creating problem solving
Responsibility for choices.
The training of parents to be therapeutic agents for their children using Child-centered Play Therapy skills is this kind of Therapy.
Filial Therapy
This statement is reflecting upon a child's what?
"You are so proud you built that castle!"
________ are not needed until they are needed.
What is the ATP and when was it established ?
Association for Play Therapy - 1982
Name 3 Qualities of child-centered therapeutic responses.
Help child move on
Reflect non-verbals (tracking)
Reflect content
Reflect feeling
Build Self-esteem
Match childs level of affect
Avoid asking questions
Facilitate decision making
Personalized responses
No labeling toys
Do not praise
Non evaluative
These are all the steps to Limit Setting and its model nickname ?
What are:
ACT Model
1. Acknowledge (feelings or behaviors)
2. Communicate the limit
3. Target alternatives