Trivia Question: What is the rarest M&M color?
Trivia Question: What was Napoleon Dynamites brothers name in the movie?
Trivia Question: What is the nearest planet to the sun?
Trivia Question: What plant is the symbol of love and devotion?
You get to the gym at 3:15 pm and don't leave til 5:00 pm. How much time has passed?
1 hour & 45 min
True or False: Hawaii is a part of the United States?
Wallet: 100 $
Shoes total: 65$
How much do you have left?
35 Dollars
Trivia Question: What is the common name for dried plums?
Trivia Question: Who Was the "king of rock and Roll"
Trivia Question: What is the hottest planet?
Which animal is said to have nine lives?
6:05 pm- 8:05 pm
How much time has passed?
2 hours
How much is 4 20 cents and 3 5 cents?
What was the first soft drink in space?
Coca Cola
Trivia Question: What state is the Hollywood walk of fame in?
Trivia Question: How many bones do sharks have?
What is the main food source for pandas?
How much time has passed?
40 min
What color is named after the fruit?
Trivia Question: What drink is essential for the body to have everyday.
Trivia Question: What day is Star Wars Day?
May 4
How many colors are in a rainbow?
Trivia Question: Which mammal has no vocal cords? (Gorilla, coyote, monkey, or giraffe)
Vocal Cords: Create sound and speech
Bus leaves at 8:00 am, it takes you 30 minutes to get ready and 10 minutes to walk to the bus stop. What time should you start getting ready?
7:20 am
What is Cynophobia the fear of?
A. Bears
B. Alligators
C. Dogs
D. Rats
C. Dogs
I had $20, but Samantha asked to borrow $5 for lunch. How much do I have now?
Trivia Question: What is the only fruit with seeds on the outside?
Trivia Question: What boxer is known as the Greatest of All Time?
Muhammed Ali
Trivia Question:This essential gas is important so that we can breath.
Oxygen (air)
Trivia Question: What organ does an octopus have three of?
If it’s 3:30 pm right now, what time will it be in 3 hours?
6:30 pm
What is cobar's population?
One way you can break a $20 is with two 10 dollar bills. Name another way to break a $20.
Twenty- 1$
Four- 5$
Two- 5$ & One- 10$
Trivia Question: Which chili pepper is considered the hottest in the world! (think of your TikTok's)
Ghost Pepper
Trivia Question: What is the Golden man statue given to talented actors?
An oscar
Which planet was but is no longer considered a planet?
Trivia Question: What is the only fruit that has its seeds on the outside?
Trivia Question: How many official languages does switzwerland have
What is Australia's favourite sport?
Aussie Rules
How much is 8 Quarters, 3 Nickles, 2 Dimes, and 6 Pennies worth?
Trivia Question: Mozzarella cheese is traditionally made from the milk of what animal?
Trivia Question: What famous band was Gwen Stefani in before she went solo?
What is the largest known land animal?
How far away can a wolf smell its prey?
3.5 kilometres
What is the capital of India?
New Dehli
What year was Queen Elizabeth II born?
A. 1926
B. 1881
C. 1708
D. 2000
A. 1929
How much are a pair of sneakers that are $65 plus a tax of 10%?
Trivia Question: What is the most consumed manufactured drink in the world?
Trivia Question: What are the names of Cinderella’s stepsisters?
Anastasia and Drizella
What is the name of the infection that you get, usually as a child. You can see it all over the skin.
Chicken Pox
Trivia Question: How many eyes does a bee have? 2,4,5,or 6
Trivia Question:What layer of the Earth is right below the crust?
What is the highest-grossing holiday movie of all time?
(Highest-grossing: highest Profit/made the most money)
Home Alone
I bought a meal for $18.50 excluding GST. How much was the GST?
How much caffeine needs to be taken out of coffee for it to be described as decaffeinated?
at least 97%
Trivia Question: What was the first toy to be advertised on television?
Mr. Potato Head
Trivia Question: True or False, is lightning hotter than the sun?
What is the slowest animal in the world?
From 10:38 pm to 11:00 pm how much time has passed?
22 min
What type of reptile can detach their tails when they are in danger and then regrow it?
If my meal cost me $20 and I need to leave a 18% tip..what is my total with tip?