My favorite radio station
What is the KLRC
Movie about the beginning of professional women's baseball
A League of their own
I'm always stopping to point out the...
favorite fruit/vegtable
Finish the lyrics:
The stars at night, are big and bright....
deep in the heart of Texas
Finish the lyrics:
Cowboy, take me ......
Tom Hanks as a Astronaut on a close call NASA mission
Apollo 13
My voice gets all squeeky and funny when I talk to
Town I grew up in
Crooners I cook to...Fly me to the moon, When your smiling, ect.
Rat Pack
Christmas movie rated R that kids can't watch
Love Actually
In the spring, I get excited to hear...
the spring peepers
beans that grow on trees that make my favorite drink.
Famous person I grew up with
Kelly Clarkson
Sang, "I stopped to see a weeping willow, crying on it's pillow.."
Patsy Cline
I watch this movie every fall, also starring Tom Hanks
You've Got Mail
I would do this for 12 hours daily if I could
beans that grow on trees that make my favorite desert.
My name before I married Daddy
Emily Jenkins
Who sang "L is for the way you look at me, O is for the only one I see"
Series of short movies that involve an animated cast. I always watch the holiday specials.
The Peanuts or Charlie Brown
The is literally NOTHING I wouldn't do for...
my family
smooth and creamy, goes great in a spoon
peanut butter
Favorite clothing item from Texas
cowgirl boots