Antidepressants are prescribed to combat the symptoms of what illness?
Depressive Illness
Name one reason why patients do not comply to their prescribed medications.
Cost of medications
A sense perception (seeing, hearing, tasting, smelling or touching) for which no external stimulus exists.
What a hallucination?
What does PTSD stand for, and what is its definition?
Post Traumatic Stress Disorder
PTSD is a severe form of anxiety that stems from a traumatic experience; characterized by the reliving of the stress and nightmares of the original situation.
A disorder renamed by Eugen Bleuler in the early 1900's meaning split minds
What is Schizophrenia
Benzodiazepines are contraindicated in patients with known?
Hypersensitivity and patients with acute, narrow-angle glaucoma
True or False, psychiatric medications don't cure mental illness.
They help manage the symptoms.
What are the indications for the use of chemical restraints?
1. Evidence of excited delirium, severe agitation, violent behavior aggressiveness, hyperthermia, surprising physical strength, lack of response to pain such as tasers.
2. Violent, agitated patients who cannot be otherwise restrained only at the risk of harm to the patient,nursing staff, law enforcement, or EMS providers.
Questions that encourage lengthy responses and information about experiences or perceptions.
What is are open-ended questions?
A mood disorder that is characterized by at least one week-long manic episode that results in excessive activity and energy. Manic episodes may alternate with depression.
What is Bipolar I disorder?
Name all of the different types of psychiatric medications. (4)
Antidepressants, Benzodiazepines, Antipsychotics, and Amphetamines
What is one way patients who cannot afford amphetamines compensate or self medicate?
Patients can consume energy drinks in high doses to compensate for the medication loss. This medication noncompliance often results in development of abnormal behavior.
Absent or nearly absent affective expression
What is a blunt affect?
List 2 symptoms of PTSD. (4)
1) Intrusive thoughts
2)Avoiding reminders
3) Negative thoughts and feelings
4) Arousal and reactive symptoms like problems sleeping and focusing on activities
This phase of bipolar disease is characterized by persistent and abnormally elevated, expansive, or irritable moods
What is Mania?
Antipsychotic medications also have atropine like effects, so the patient taking antipsychotic medications may experience adverse effects. What are these adverse effects? (4)
Dry mouth, blurred vision, urinary retention, and cardiac dysrhythmias
When obtaining a medication history, what two important questions should you ask of a patient?
1) Previously prescribed medications
2) Missed doses
Major problem with these due to interaction with foods rich in tyramine, resulting in hypertensive crisis
What is are Monoamine Oxidase Inhibitors (MOI's)?
The final integral phase of the nurse-patient relationship.
What is the termination phase?
A personality disorder characterized by extreme emotional detachment and lack of relationships.
What is Schizoid personality disorder?
Amphetamines are prescribed to help patients with what two disorders?
Patients with attention deficit disorder in adults and children. Amphetamines are also used in narcolepsy in adults.
True or False, if a psychiatric patient has an active court order they can be given ordered medications despite refusal.
Pt's taking this class of drug must be taught drug effects may take several weeks to see desired effects of elevated mood, increased concentration and energy.
What are SSRIs?
What kind of events could shape who we are our and our behaviors?
ACES, Stressful events such as divorce, failure, rejections, and financial setbacks.
This disorder is characterized by at least 6 months of excessive and persistent anxiety and worry
What is generalized anxiety disorder?