How many stuffies does Syd have?
about 7,34654455574564563453352547658697897896785675654563554235252536546757869870989877866755644334242143254365476587698709890890889678565445343123143254358769870980880979867853542341321432543655876987098908098987875654542432231322433564676897098097986756744523424313214336558769870980980979868556343321313214324545786987908908097875764563432231321324675876898098097896785545434312313213225436557867878989080977576454232122132245465766970807986766543432312311111113414325334647658778908709889787667554543342321232432543654675876978797789677857654543543235426546575766787878970988099878765764653452341233122342354565766877899808899868756755644534232132125465576678789890!
Does SYD fart a lot?
What is Syd‘s favorite question?
How’s it going?
what is Syd‘s favorite book?
Bible!! Duhhh!!!!
What is Syd’s favorite show?
The amazing world of gumball/big city greens!
Are you sure you know SYD?
Answers may very.
What’s SYD’ S favorite cartoon character she made?
What movie just came out of her second favorite book?
The wild robot.
What is Sydney’s favorite tooth brush brand?
What Sid‘s favorite color?
Any shade of blue except navy
Does Syd like books?
Only if there good!!!
What was this most recent obsessive show?
Powerpuff Girls (now I think they suck).👎
what is Syd’s favorite stuffy?
What is SYD’ S? favorite noise?
How fast does Uranus go?
15,233 mph—15,290 mph.
What is Syd‘s favorite catchphrase?
Nerdy Slappa Japapa ding dong!!!
Does Syd like teen titans go! ?