Name This Product
Nicotine Facts
True or False
Population Targeting
More or Less

Name this product

Mod: a modifiable vape device 


Has the rates of adult cigarette smokers gone up or down in the United States between 2010 and 2017?

Down. The rates of cigarette smokers has dropped to 17.1% in the United States and 10.1% in California.


True or False: The tobacco industry genetically modifies tobacco crops to contain TWICE the amount of nicotine as the original tobacco plant.


And on top of that, the tobacco industry adds extra nicotine to the products during manufacturing to make it more addictive.


How much money does the tobacco industry spend on targeted marketing in the US?

(a) $1 billion.  (b) $6 billion.  (c) $9 billion.  

(c) $9.4 billion.

Big tobacco has a history of deceptive marketing and predatory targeting. In 2017, tobacco companies spent nearly $9.4 billion on marketing tobacco products in the United States.

This amount translates to more than $25 million each day, and more than $1 million every hour.


Compared to 2016, are there more or less cigarette smokers using vapes?

Less cigarette smokers use vape products in 2019 when compared to 2016. However, former smokers and never smokers both increased in vaping rates.


Name this product

Juul- One of the most popular single use cartage devices.


Has the rate of vaping gone up or down among teens and young adults in the last 5 years? 

Up. As of 2019, 27.5% of high schoolers currently use E-cigarettes. Young adults under the age of 30 are 10x more likely to use e-cigarettes when compared to adults over the age of 30.


True or False: Filters in cigarettes help to reduce the amount of tar and harmful chemicals from entering the lungs.

False. Filters are designed to make cigarettes smoother and more enjoyable to smoke, as well as increase the concentration of nicotine in each puff. There is no health benefit to filters.


Is this a real quote?

"We don't smoke that sh*t. We just sell it. We reserve that right for the young, the poor, the black and the stupid."

Yes. This quote is from an R.J Reynolds Executive from a 1989 congressional testimony for Winston cigarettes. 


Does Nicotine Salts have more or less nicotine/mg than Freebased Nicotine?

More 5mg of Nicotine Salt=60mg of Freebased Nicotine

Nicotine Salt products are combined with an acid making the concentration of nicotine per mg of liquid stronger than 2x the nicotine of a cigarette.  Freebased nicotine has the acid removed which makes the liquid much weaker than a cigarette.


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How many people die each year from a tobacco related cause?

(a) 260,000  (b) 370,000  (c) 480,000

(c) 480,000 people die from tobacco each year

That's more than die from alcohol, suicide, car crashes, and drug overdoses COMBINED


True or False: 99% of long term nicotine users started using nicotine before the age of 26.

True. The brain continues to develop until the age of 25, if an individual does not use nicotine products before the age of 26, the likelihood of being addicted for life drops dramatically.


What population is this advertisement targeting?

The African American/Black Community

Intense advertising and lower priced tobacco products

There are up to 10x more tobacco ads in predominately African American/black neighborhoods.

Menthol cigarettes and flavored tobacco products are more heavily advertised and discounted near high schools with more African American/black students.


Do more or less than 50% of nicotine and tobacco users want to quit?


70% of nicotine and tobacco users want to quit using any form of nicotine. Young adults actually have the highest rates of quit attempts.


Name this product


Bonus points: What is a blunt made out of?


Name three reasons smoking and vaping is dangerous for your overall health

Weakened immune system, unknown ingredients in the products, damage to heart, lungs, brain and other organs, higher risk for worsened respiratory illnesses including COVID, etc.


True or False: Secondhand Vapor is less dangerous than secondhand smoke from cigarettes.

False. Secondhand vapor is just as dangerous as secondhand smoke, as the vapor remains more solid and can cling to bystanders and penetrate deeply in their longs, exposing them to all of the same chemicals and nicotine as the person vaping.


What population is targeted by this advertisement?

Native American populations

The tobacco industry exploits traditional tobacco use within tribal communities, appropriating the ceremonial use and marketing it to sell commercial tobacco products.

Federally recognized Tribal lands are sovereign nations and are not subject to state cigarette taxes and smoke-free laws – often exploited by the tobacco industry.

The tobacco industry has funded powwows and promoted brands like American Spirit in Tribal communities.

This kind of cultural exploitation contributes to American Indian communities having the highest rate of smoking prevalence in California, and the only group where smoking is on the rise


Does it cost more or less to quit tobacco using best practice quitting services (i.e. patches, gum, therapy, apps, etc.)


Nicotine Replacement Therapies, including patches, gum, lozenges, apps and therapy, cost less than packs of cigarettes and vape devices and liquids.  

Many of the products and therapies are also available free or at reduced cost through your campus and organizations like Kick it California. Find more young adult tailored quit services at


What is this product

Nicotine Pouch

A nicotine salt based pouch that sits in the lip and releases concentrated nicotine.


What is Thirdhand smoke and vapor?

The smoke and vapor that sticks to clothes, furniture, skin, floors, and other surfaces. Often indicated by the residual smell of smoke when no one is still smoking.  

Thirdhand smoke and vapor is just as dangerous as secondhand smoke, as the chemicals and nicotine can absorb through skin and airways.  This is especially dangerous and potentially deadly for small children and animals.


True or False: When disposing of an e-cigarrete, pod, or e-liquid container, it is safe to put the products in the garbage.

False. There is currently no safe way to dispose of an e-cigarette or e-liquid container.  e-cigarettes and considered electronic waste and should be disposed of like a computer or other electronic device. Anything exposed to nicotine solutions are considered hazardous waste, as nicotine is considered a poisonous substance, and should be disposed of accordingly.


What population is targeted by this advertisement.

The LGBTQIA+ Community

The tobacco industry exploits feelings of isolation and aggressively targets the LGBTQ community by promoting tobacco use as a way to foster community and relieve stress.

The tobacco industry positions itself as an ally by sponsoring Pride events and donating money to LGBTQ organizations in order to create a new generation of tobacco users.

A tobacco company conducted a marketing plan called “Project SCUM” targeting the LGBTQ community in San Francisco.


Do more or less young adults in college use marijuana and nicotine products than young adults not in college?


In 2018 there was an increase in vaped nicotine use in college students from 6% to 15%. Young adults not in college only increased from 8% to 12%.

Marijuana use among young adult in college increased from 5% to 11%. While young adults not in college had no change in use at 8%.

This is the first time we have seen higher use among college educated young adult compared to non-college educated.
