At the end of Jacob's 7 year trial he married who?
who is Leah?
Jesus turned this into wine at a wedding.
what is water?
There are this many commandments given to Moses on Mount Sinai.
what is 10 commandments?
This young shepherd defeated the giant Goliath with a slingshot
Who is David? (1 Samuel 17)
This prophetess was Moses' sister and led the Israelite women in a song of praise after crossing the Red Sea.
Who is Miriam, Moses' sister?
Jesus walked on this to reach His disciples.
what is the Sea of Galilee?
his is the number of days and nights it rained during Noah’s flood
what is 40?
God parted this body of water so the Israelites could escape Egypt
What is the Red Sea? (Exodus 14:21-22)
This queen saved her people by being brave and speaking to the king on behalf of her people
who is Esther?
Jesus fed 5,000 people with five loaves and this many fish
what is 2?
Jesus said this is the number of times to forgive others
what is 70 x 7? or what is 490?
This prophet was swallowed by a great fish and lived inside it for three days
Who is Jonah? (Jonah 1:17)
First person Jesus appeared to AFTER his resurrection
Who is Mary of Magdalene?
Jesus raised this man from the dead after four days.
who is Lazarus?
This is the number of books in the Bible.
what is 66?
This man was thrown into a den of lions but was unharmed
Who is Daniel? (Daniel 6:16-22)
First female judge of Israel
who is Deborah?
Jesus healed a woman who had suffered for 12 years by doing this
what is touching his cloak?
How many wives did King Solomon have?
what is 700?
this man had a "blinding light" conversion story
who is Paul or Saul?