Essential Services
Strike or Lockout
Managers Responsibility

What does MRT stand for?

Ministry Response Team


What does JARC stand for?

Job Action Response Centre


What is the ESA?

Agreement between AUPE and GoA that addresses the provision and staffing of essential services in each department.


Does a strike or lockout automatically occur if mediation breaks down?

No, once the 14 day cooling off period ends either party may apply to the Board for a supervised strike or lockout vote.  


Where does a manager report an incident?

Managers must report serious incidents to the MRT Job Action Coordinator.  They must complete the Job Action Activity form. The Job Action Coordinator will work with the picket line monitors to observe the specific picket locations. They will notify MRT of the incident and submit the Job Action Forms to the JARC.

Who has overall responsibility for contingency planning for the department?

Ministry Executive Lead


What is the role of the JARC?

The JARC is the centralized incident response team which provides leadership and direction to the APS in the event of job action. 


What is an essential service?

Essential services are defined as services which, if interrupted, would:

a) Endanger the life, personal safety  or health of the public; or

b) Are necessary to the maintenance and the administration of the rule of law or public security


Who votes in a strike vote?

A strike vote is conducted by the union and the results are based on the number of those who actually vote, not the total number of BU employees. A majority must vote in favour.

Does a manager continue with their day to day duties during Job Action?

No, it will not be business as usual.  They must be aware of what services have been deemed essential and critical for their worksites.


Who collects attendance logs and submits the ministry log to pay and benefits?

Attendance Coordinator


What is the role of the Incident Response Leader (IRL)

Responsible for the government's response to Job Action and activates the JARC.  Ultimate decision maker related to declaring the level of threat/response, authorizing building closures and engages with AUPE.

What is a DESW?

A DESW is an Designated Essential Services
Worker.  When an ESA is in effect (legal job action) DESWs can not participate in legal job action and cannot be locked out by the employer. They must perform the duties they have been scheduled to do by the employer. 


Is a strike automatic after a successful strike vote?

No. A successful strike vote means the unions is authorized to strike.  Before a legal strike can occur they must give 72 hours notice of the date, time and initial location of the strike.  If the strike doe not start on the date and at the time and location identified the notice becomes ineffective and another notice must be served. 


Can a manager join their staff on the picket line?

No, management must support the employers stance during job action.


Who collects information through videos, photos and written form (when necessary) to document job action?

The picket line monitor.


How many activation levels are there?

4 levels.

1. No incident occurred. Managing issues at the dept level. No JARC and MRT are not activated at this level.

2. Single department MRT and JARC activated. Single department event occured.

3. Single department with high ESA services, multiple departments, multiple events. JARC activated. MRT for each department activated.

4. All government. JARC activated, all MRTs activated


Can the GoA hire replacement workers during legal Job Action?

No, the GoA can only use DESWs during legal job action

Who must report to work during a strike?

DESWs, Opted out and management employees must report to work


Can a manager direct a BU employee to return to their base position during Job Action?

A BU employee in a temp assignment to a OOE/Mgmt position may choose to return to their base position. Decisions must be documented.


Who identifies surplus or deficit resources?

The redeployment coordinator.

Who is the incident response leader for JARC?

PSC Heather Caltagirone


How long is the cooling off period?

If the parties can not reach a settlement they must work with a mediator. Once the mediator has assessed the situation and issued a report, the parties must have a 14 day cooling off period before they can request a strike or lock out. 


Can employees choose to cross the picket line?

Yes, a BU employee can choose to cross the picket line and work during a legal strike.  The Attendance Coordinator must ensure records are accurate of all picketing, DESW, and picket line crossing employees. 

Can a Manager buy their staff lunch while on the picket line?

No, management must support the employers position. 
