Thinking Errors
Life Skills
7 Habits
Open Topic
This part of your conscience will always put you down, if you let him.
What is the Judge.
Attempting to deceive oneself or others in order to satisfy your own desires.
What is lying.
The ability to solve _______ determines how satisfied we are in the many aspects of our lives.
What is problems.
Habit One deals with "Being Proactive". ______ people make choices based on impulse, whereas ________ people make choices based on values.
What is reactive. What is proactive.
Which open topic group explores different areas of the world, their culture, and places to visit?
What is Countries Group.
When you don't like yourself, you tend to wear one of these.
What is a mask.
When you do not follow the laws of society, or when you borrow money and do not pay it back, you have the thinking error of...
What is failure to assume obligation.
There are ______ styles when it comes to money management.
What is 5.
If we do not follow Habit 2, we are often so quick to follow anyone who is willing to lead, even into things that won’t get us far. Habit 2 is...
What is Begin With the End in Mind.
________ is the major single cause of cancer mortality [death] in the United States.
What is cigarette smoking.
All day long you talk to yourself. These talks are either good or bad. Should statements, overgeneralization, labeling, and catastrophizing are all part of...
What is negative self-talk?
When you feel or think that you are not responsible for something you do. It is always someone else's fault.
What is victim stance.
Goal setting, prioritizing, procrastinating, and scheduling are all aspects of _______ management.
What is time.
Of the four types in Habit 3, the procrastinator, the prioritizer, the yes man, and the slacker, which type is the ideal?
What is the prioritizer.
The minimal amount of time your attention is taken away from the road when you’re texting and driving.
What is 5 seconds.
You are compared, by yourself or others, on a daily basis. It is the biggest danger to your self-esteem.
What is judgment.
Bernard is a cook at Frumpy's Burgers. When a customer complained about his burger and sent it back, Bernard charred his new burger so that it was inedible. Bernard is demonstrating what type of thinking error?
What is criminal pride.
Recognition of ones emotions and their effects (emotional awareness), knowledge of one’s strengths and limits (self-knowledge), and sureness about one’s self-worth and capabilities (self-confidence) are the touchstones of a person’s _________
What is self awareness.
__________ is an attitude toward life, a mental frame of mind that says “I can win, and so can you.” This is very important.
What is Win-Win.
This President made the shortest inauguration speech on record – 133 words and less than two minutes long.
What is George Washington.
These are positive, present tense statements that you should be telling yourself on a daily basis to keep your self-esteem high.
What is an affirmation.
Johnny Kennedy had a rare disorder where his skin fell off at the slightest touch, yet we complain about our pencils not being sharpened. This is an example of what type of thinking error?
What is failure to endure adversity.
_______ thoughts can cause you to feel helpless and hopeless about a change that is occurring in your life.
What is pessimistic.
"Seek first to understand, then to be understood." This is the premise of Habit 5. It is very important in every day life. What is Habit 5?
What is listening.
What animal did Miss Lexi say she wanted to take home, after showing the video of him eating a rice ball?
What is a slow loris.