verb used too describe dans late night drunk eating habit
what is pops stage name with the lawn sausages
jimmy dean
where did jack take bridget on their first date
ice skate Albany
What is islas favorite park in Disney
hollywood studios
What was Bridget's first concert?
Jonas Brothers haha gotcha bet you said one direction
how old is dan tomorrow and where was he born
59 troy
what state was pop born in
who is jacks nfl team
current: vikings
future: bills
What was Islas inappropriate nickname when she was a baby?
Sexy mama
What did Bridget ask when holding up the glass cleaner?
can this be used on windows
Dan has a third one of these
how old was pop when Courtney was born
what does jack do better than everyone else in the house
What is Islas middle name
What new rule did Bridge establish in the house
shoes off at door
what are three of dans nicknames
two can dan
disco dan
basil hayden
Danny boy
any other
where did pop go to college
who is jacks favorite rapper
Kendrick Lamar
This is Islas new favorite Starbucks drink
whatever Isla says
What is Bridgets favorite Disney Park
Animal Kingdom
what did dan major in at cvcc
construction engineering
pop only has one of these
Jack who usually drives like an old lady got a speeding ticket on his way to?
Tupper lake
This was Islas first song she sang at 9 month old
Baby baby baby Justin Berber
What Character did bridget wait for in Disney for almost two hours destroying Courtneys buzz?
The Little Mermaid