How long has Kaitlyn worked at CADT? (in years).
2 years!
How many pets does Kaitlyn have currently?
Kaitlyn's favorite animation show?
Hint: First Letter of first word and second word are the same
Bob's Burgers!
What state did Kaitlyn go to in October?
Hint: It's a dry heat and I rode in a self driving car!
(double points for town and state)
Scottsdale, Arizona!!
How many group rooms are in the CADT kids hall?
What will Kaitlyn be doing for her new job?
Woking in a classroom/school with kiddos!
What is the reptile Kaitlyn want as a pet?
Hint: this pet stars as a side kick in a Disney Princess movie!
A Chamelon!
How many siblings does Kaitlyn have?
What month last year did Kaitlyn go to the beach in South Carolina?
True! You'll see me again :)
where did Kaitlyn work before CADT? (retail)
How many male cats and how many female cats does Kaitlyn have?
2 boys and 1 girl!
What state does Kaitlyn live in?
True or False?: Kaitlyn has travelled outside of the country?
False, I have not :(
What was the CADT building before it was a day treatment center?
What is one of Kaitlyn's favorite restaurants to door dash to CADT?
Italian House, Jimmy Johns, Lane's, or H&S!
What breed is Kaitlyn's dog?
Hint: It has a country in the name
Mini Australian Shephard
How long does it take Kaitlyn to get to work? (in minutes)
40 minutes!
What state does Kaitlyn travel to almost every day?
What office of another therapist does Kaitlyn spend the most time in?
False! I have been in the same office for two years :)
What is Kaitlyn's dogs name?
Hint: It is a zodiac sign
True or False: Kaitlyn has only lived in Illinois.
What town is the school Kaitlyn will be working in next week?
What is Kaitlyn's favorite topic at CADT?
Hint: think Boundaries, feelings, social skills, communication, etc
Social Skills!!