Sign the word "family".
*Correct sign for "family"*
Sign what time you woke up today. (Finger-spell AM)
*Correct number and finger-spelling*
Where do you go to see all the animals? *fs it*
True or False? You can look at your hand when fingerspelling. *fs it*
What is the sign for "please"?
*Correct sign for "please"*
Sign "mom and dad".
*Correct sign for "mom and dad"*
Sign "100".
*Correct sign for "100"*
Sign "home".
*Correct sign for "home"*
Can you switch hands when signing if you are ambidextrous? *sign yes or no*
*Sign "no"*
What is the sign for "Can you"?
*Correct sign for "can you"*
Sign "Uncle Sam and Aunt Michelle".
*Correct signs and fingerspelling for "Uncle Sam and Aunt Michelle"*
How old are you? *just the number*
*Correct number for their age*
Where are you right now? *no fs*
*Correct sign for "school"*
What are the letters that bounce? *sign the letters*
*B, L, R, K*
What is the difference between please and sorry?
*Correct signs for both and show how they differentiate*
Sign a sentence using the words "brother and sister" in ASL.
*Accurate sentence with correct grammar and parameters including those words.*
Sign "67".
*Correct sign for "67" with correct pinky placement*
Where do you go shopping? *no fs*
*Correct sign for "store"*
What is the palm orientation for fingerspelling letters such as: A,B,E,L,etc.? *fs it*
*F-O-R-W-A-R-D* or *O-U-T-W-A-R-D*
*Accurate signs and parameters*
What does family mean to you? *at least one complete sentence and can only fs two words*
*Accurate sentence with correct grammar and parameters (can use fingerspelling if they don't know the word <MAX 2 WORDS>).*
Where do you start your sign when signing your age? *after the number* (age spots)
*Correct and accurate placement*
Sign "I like to go shopping" in ASL. *lose 200 points if you fs shopping*
*Correct signs and parameters*
What happens if you block your face when fingerspelling? *You can speak for this one* (extra 200 points if signed)
You will block your facial expressions, and your eye contact with your viewer. *answers may vary along those lines*
*Accurate signs and parameters*