Write It In A Book
Mix This and That
The Rules That Rule
Grammar not glamour
Stopher Stopher Stopher
Is included in all the poems we write, gives our poem substance. There are several types of these that we identified in our songs
What is a poetic device?
Mrs. Payne, Mrs. Dean
What is the other teachers on our 3rd grade team?
The voice level we use in the hallways at Stopher School
What is "0"?
A part of speech that describes a noun.
What is an adjective?
This is the name of the school dog, that is used for therapy. She is cuddly and likes treats
What is Sophie
Douglas does daunting doughnuts daily.
What is an example of alliteration?
The Lion King
What is the name of the school musical this year?
The number of people that can be at Ms. Douglas's desk at a time
What is "1"
The suffix added to an adjective to show comparison between two things.
What is "er" or "ier"?
This is the name of our beloved principal, often seen wearing high heel shoes and skirts.
What is "Dr. Owens"
A figure of speech that compares two unrelated things without using like or as.
What is a metaphor?
Add this suffix to the end of a word and it will change the tense of the word from present tense to past tense.
What is "ed"
This procedure is what we do after the 1st bell has rang and we are ready for the 2nd bell.
What is stand and say the Pledge to the Flag?
If you do this, you are helping a very important association that is concerned with keeping our heart healthy. You can earn fabulous prizes on and rock a nice lanyard.
What is "Jumprope for Heart"
A comparison of one thing to another using the words like or as.
What is a simile?
The name of the company that taught us ballet classes last week.
What is "The Louisville Ballet"?
When you talk in the hallway or don't turn in homework you can get one of these.
What is "a color change"?
Book used to look up words that mean the same thing. You can use these words in your writing to make your writing sound more mature.
What is a thesaurus?
The number of years Stopher has been open for students in grades Kindergarten through 5th to get a great education
What is 9 years
The name of our poetry book for our families that will be around forever!
What is "Student Treasures"?
This is a standardized test that students take beginning in the 3rd grade. This test is very important and includes lots of math and reading. This test is taken in the spring.
What is KPREP?
This is the name of the person who offers guidance, and calls the buses. You should show respect and courage
What is "Ms. Ising"
The name of this book is where we find all the questions and answers to our 3rd grade grammar issues. Where we practice using grammar in Standard English. We will not be the boss or employee who sends out emails that don't make sense.
What is "Journeys Reader's Notebook"
The Lion King
What is the name of the school musical this year?