How many kids does nick cannon have?
12 kids wow that is a lot...
What empire almost conquered the world
That's just my...
baby doggie
Who made the song all star
Smash mouth
which insect has the most painful sting
the bullet ant
why did you play this game
I have no life and am bored:)
When did the industrial revolution start
It ain't much
but it is honest work
"she say I am the one...."
"but the kid is not my son"
what is the most reslience live creature on earth
what is the best game known to man
Minecraft is far superior :O
When did the taisho era happen
Freddy your suppose to be on lock down
Vanessa I'm a material girl
Who sang the song never gonna give you up
Rick ashley
how many feathers does a peakcock have
what can help cure a paper cut
honey or Chapstick
What countries made up the Axis
Germany Japan Italy
me do it for you
who never goes to the grammies anymore
what is the most controversial movie about insects
The Bee move
What are the 100 digits of pi
3.1415926535 8979323846 2643383279 5028841971 6939937510 5820974944 5923078164 0628620899 8628034825 3421170679
what was the best country of all time
the soviet union
What time is it...
it's muffin time
What breed is the dog that say let me do it for