NZL 101
Naing's Rizz Class
Credit: Naing
Outfit of the day (by Naing)

Naing is ready to graduate after crashing his Topik Exam. He received these marks and received Topik 1 Level 2. 

What is "196"?

During last Christmas, Naing flirtatiously asked Sophiya to sit on this.  

What is "his laps"?

Naing hates CS so much. He once said it that I rather not ____ than take CS as a major.

What is "have a girlfriend" ?


Naing was wearing this over his grey shirt during his birthday at 2023?

What is Blue Hoodie?

Naing usually use his bicycle to get to the west gate. Because of this reason, his bicycle refused to go to the Thursday party last week at W2 rooftop. 

What is "Because it was too-tired"


Naing has a facebook post to celebrate his two years at KAIST. Among the photos, the girl Yethu liked before appeared this many times.

What is 3 ?


Once, Naing said this to a girl at this occasion, "I saw you at Lotteria and you don't even greet me". What is the occasion? 

What is "Advanced English Speaking Course"


Erisu once shared an emotional story on instagram saying "what do we call people who we met them once and never again". Naing replied to this saying we call them this. 

What are professors ?


This is the color of the outfit (both top + pants) Naing is wearing in his current Instagram profile

What is Blue + Light Brown (Yellowish) 


Living in western part of the world is called west-life. You might want to live in this European country, which has more sheep than the total number of people living. 

What is "Iceland'


Naing still really hates CS. So he might have no idea about quicksort, mergesort and bubble sort. If we arrange them based on high to low time complexity, we get this. 

What is mergesort > quicksort > bubblesort


During the last spring, Naing was planning to propose to someone using this method, which involves Erisu and some flowers.

What is "taking a video and saying can you be my girlfriend"?


Naing is responsible for creating the Telegram "Everyone's broke" group chat, which originates as Chuseok 2023 group. This is the first message he sent after creating the group. "I don't know _____" 

What is "Yethu's account"


Naing has a blue shirt with one of the circle theorems written on it. What is that theorem?

What is "the tangent chord theorem" ?


If you take the lyrics of this westlife song and translate it into korean, you will get this. 

"하지만 널 보내면, 나는 절대 알 수 없겠지
너를 내 곁에 안고 사는 내 삶이 어떤지
언젠가 네가 나에게 다시 미소 짓는 걸 볼 수 있을까?
(오, 그래) 널 보내면 내가 어떻게 알 수 있을까? "

What is "If I Let You Go"


Naing have this as his phone lockscreen on September 1st, 2024.

Who is "Kim Sejeong"?


One of Naing's best rizzes include walking up to a girl and asking, "Are you alone". That embarrassing thing happened on this day. 

What is October 22nd?


When Erisu posted a story about cherry blossoms falling with the caption "falling", Naing replied with this. 

What is "Just Like the Way I am Falling Hard for her"


Naing wore this during the 2023 KISA FOOD FESTIVAL. It is one of the clothes that he rarely wears.

What is "nothing, he didnt even come to the food festival"


We don't know about west but Naing's life has always had been about Maths. This is the value of ? in this sequence. 

9, 1, 16, 1,? , 81, 4

What is "25"


This is the number you get when you add Naing's birth month + Naing's first four letters of his student ID + his calculus 2 grade turned into GPA unit multiplied by 100 + the non-zero non symbolic number in Eulers' identity + number of machine gun kelly songs on his playlist.

What is "2461" ?


Naing used this method to get a contact information (kakao account) of a pretty girl in his math class.

What is "not going to recitation and asked her to take pictures for you"


Naing used to like a girl so bad that he even said to himself that "If it's not gonna work out with her, ____"

What is "It's never gonna work out for me in my college life"


During the cherry blossom photoshoot last year, despite everyone was trying so hard to match the spring theme, Naing boldly decided to wear this.

What is the "light beige hoodie with a C" ?


Naing likes Westlife but Erisu likes Biology. Name 3 amino acids. 

What is "any of the 3 amino acids?
