What year did dad get his surprise party
What is 40/ 2022
What snail ate Garry during cleaning the tank?
What is Watermelon
Why didn't Dad ask mom out on a date on valentine's day?
What is He didn't want to buy anything for her Because it's too much work for him
How old where Maddie and Hannah when we went to Hawaii the FIRST time?
What is 8 and 6
When did we get Shelly?
What is 2017
What year did maddie get her fish tank?
What is 2018
How old where Mom and Dad when we went to the dinsey cruise
What is 35 years old
Where were we going when maddie wrote Hannah's name on the wall
What is the State fair
When is Peter's birthday?
What is yesterday/ February 15 2022
How long have Mom and dad know each other
What is twenty three years
What year did Hannah cry about getting her bike?
What is 2021/7 years old