What car does Ms.Clancy drive?
Yellow VW Beetle
What is not allowed in Ms.Clancys classroom?
Hint: Some might say its my superpower
Chewing Gum
What career cluster do we study in this class?
Healthcare/ Medicine
Define the positional term: Superior
Define: Cardiology
The study of the heart
How many many brothers and sisters does Ms.Clancy have? (Be Specific)
2 younger sisters
Orla is a 1st grade teacher
Enya is in her final year of nursing school at UNF
What time are ALL online assignments due by?
What are the three parts of a medical term?
Root, Prefix, Suffix
What is this area of the abdomen called?
Umbilical Region
What does SOAR stand for?
Where did Ms.Clancy go this summer?
England, Portugal, Boston, and Italy
What must you do before getting out of your seat?
Raise your hand
What is PPE?
Personal Protective Equipment
How many chambers are there in the heart?
Separate the following term into its medical parts: Myocarditis
How do you spell Ms.Clancys first name?
What day of the week is uniform day? What does Ms.Clancy check for on these days?
-Hair Up
- Jewelry
Fungi, Parasites, Protozoa, Virus, Bacteria
Name the 4 valves of the heart?
Tricuspid valve (AV valve)
Bicuspid valve (Mitral valve)
Pulmonic valve (Semilunar valve)
Aortic valve
What award did the pre-med academy win last year?
Holiday Door Decorating Contest- 1st place
Daily Double: What is Ms.Clancys go to Starbucks order.
Venti Strawberry Acai Refresher with Lemonade, light ice, and no strawberries.
What does Ms.Clancy dislike more than anything? Not just a rule in class but for life.
How many career clusters are there?
What is the difference between Anatomy and Physiology?
Anatomy- the way something looks
Physiology- the way something functions
What is Ms.Clancys favorite pizza topping?