Ut oh!

How long do you administer undiluted 1 mg of IV morphine?

a) 1 second

b) 5 minutes

c) 2 minutes

d) 10 minutes

What is 5 minutes? 


These are the 5 rights of medication administration.

What are right client, right medication, right dose, right route, right time?


Airway, Breathing, Circulation

What are the ABC's? 


A client is on a telemetry unit, and the monitor shows the client is in Ventricular fibrilation. Which nursing action is appropriate at this time? A. Administer lidocaine prn IV push B. Prepare the client for cardioversion C. Start CPR D. Call for the defibrilator

What is D. Call for the defibrilator


A patient is given 450mg of a medication at 0800 with a half-life of 2 hours.  How much is in the body at 1000?

What is 225mg?


A nurse is assessing a postoperative client after surgery for signs of complications. The nurse is looking for Homan’s sign. The nurse determines the sign is positive when which of the following is noted?--------------------------------------- a. Crackles on auscultation of the lungs b. Pain with dorsiflexion of the foot c. Incisional pain d. Absent bowel sounds

What is B?  

To find Homan’s sign the nurse dorsiflexes the patient’s foot to see if the client feels pain in their calf. If pain is present then the sign is positive, which is an indication of thrombophlebitis. The other answers are incorrect as none of them are ways to find Homan’s sign.


Pupils, Equal, Round, Reactive to, Light, Accomodation

What is PERRLA?


Placenta previa can be a serious complication of pregnancy. What would the nurse assess as the first indication of this disorder? A. Fetal distress B. Painful bleeding C. Painless bleeding D. Erratic contraction

What is B. Painful bleeding.


The process of how drugs elicit their effect in the body

What is Pharmacodynamics?


An ER nurse is assessing a client who has sustained a blunt injury to the chest wall. Which of the following signs would indicate the presence of a pneumothorax?------------------------------------------------ a. The presence of a barrel chest b. A low respiratory rate c. Diminished breath sounds on one side of the chest d. A sucking sound at the site of the injury

What is C? 

Diminished breath sounds on one side of the chest are a classic sign of a pneumothorax. Another finding would be tachypnea rather than a low respiratory rate. A sucking sound at the site of an injury would only be present in an open chest injury. A barrel chest is indicative of a chronic respiratory problem such as COPD.


Assessing a patient top to bottom.

What is head to toe assessment? 


An infant less than 12 months of age is suspected or confirmed as missing.

What is a Code Pink? 


Teaching to avoid this food is important for clients taking atorvastatin (Lipitor) and rosuvastatin (Crestor).

What is grapefruit?


The nurse suspects that a patient has developed a pulmonary embolism. Which symptoms would the nurse expect to see in the patient?----------------------------------------------------------------------- a. Sudden chills and fever b. Hot, flushed feeling c. Sudden chest pain d. Tingling around the mouth

What is C?  The most comment sign of a pulmonary embolism is sudden chest pain. The other options are not signs of a pulmonary embolism. 


Scale of 0 to ten of pain. 

What is the pain scale? 


A wide complex arrhythmia of ventricular origin, defined as three or more consecutive beats at a rate of more than 100 beats per minute.

What is Ventricular Tachycardia? 


Hayden is a 9-year-old boy who has been admitted to the emergency room with a fever. He weighs 71lbs. If the dosing guideline for acetaminophen is 10mg/kg at 4 hour intervals, how many milligrams of acetaminophen should the nurse administer?

What is 323mg?


A patient with diabetes has had a left below the knee amputation. The nurse would assess specifically for which of the following signs and symptoms based upon the patient’s history?-------------------------------------------- a. Hemorrhage b. Edema of the stump c. Slight redness of the incision d. Separation of the wound edges

What is D?  Patients with Diabetes are more likely to develop a wound infection and have delayed wound healing. Edema and hemorrhage are both common complications in the immediate postoperative period that apply to any client with an amputation. Slight redness of the incision is considered normal, as long as it is dry and intact. 


What is the most commonly used scale to determine the level of alertness and agitated behavior in critically-ill patients. 

What us the RASS scale?  (Richmond Agitation-Sedation Scale)


Your patient just sent from the ER and was given lactulose prior to transfer, a foul smell is coming from them at arrival. 

What is a Code Brown? 
