This team member would like to try skydiving at least once.
Who is Aria?
When this team member was a baby, they hated being in a stroller so they would pretend that the shoulder strap was choking them to death.
Who is Thomas?
This team member believes that social media is a tool of governments/corporations to manipulate people into believing certain things or behaving in certain ways.
Who is Temple?
These team members put reality TV as their guilty pleasure.
(Three possible answers, 200 points if you guess one person in particular, 500 points if you name all three).
Who is Maryfrances/Aria/Ted?
These team members' guilty pleasure is watching cat videos.
Who is Sara/Thomas?
This member of the team would like to learn how to play the piano and/or the guitar.
Who is Maryfrances?
This team member has a scar on their forehead from jumping off a church stage and smashing their head into a pew.
Who is Aaron?
This team member will never make eye contact with a groundhog because they are witches in disguise.
Who is Thomas?
This member of the team is nicknamed "Bibi"!
Who is Claudia?
This team member has simulated being a worm on a hook while suspended from a helicopter.
Who is Temple?
This team member would like to run a marathon in Patagonia some day.
Who is Sara?
When this team member was a kid, they ran away from home, but only went to the skate park down the road.
Who is Maryfrances?
This team member believes that aliens are real, they just haven't found us. (And they aren't particularly worried about it.)
This member of the team does not like it when people around them makes noise while eating.
Who is Krutarth?
This member of the team puts banana and mayo on EVERYTHING.
Who is Claudia?
This member of the team as a European ski trip on their bucket list.
Who is Jason P?
This team member was a ranked tennis player and captain of their high school tennis team.
Who is Jason M?
This team member believes that sneezing in odd numbers is bad luck.
This member of the team can't blow their nose.
Who is Chris?
These members of the team LOVE the movie Pitch Perfect.
Who is Ted/Aaron?
This member of the team would like to try flying a helicopter.
Who is Chris?
This team member and their family was homeless for about 3 months when they were in 6th grade.
Who is Jack?
This member of the team believes that the Manifest plane is real.
Who is Krutarth?
In a case of mistaken identity, this member of the team was once hunted down and questioned by the FBI across international borders. It's a long story.
Who is Jason M?
This team member lived on a ship for 8 months.
Who is Jack?