images and words used to make a joke on the internet
What is a meme?
This sandbox style game recently became best-selling video game of all time in late 2019
What is Minecraft
This youtube channel currently holds the record for most subscibers as of this year
What is T-series
This online platform lets players make their own games for other people to play
What is Roblox
This single youtuber held the record for most subscribers from 2013 to 2019
Who is Pewdiepie?
This websites motto is "The front page of the internet"
What is Reddit
This meme, joking about infiltrating a military base, got serious enough for people to actually show up and hang out at said base
What was the Area 51 Meme?
This is my favorite roblox game
What is Rails Unlimited?
This US law imposes a threat on some youtubers career by giving them no Ad revenue if they mark their channel as "kid friendly"
What is COPPA (Childrens Online Privacy Protection Act)
This website lets you watch movies and TV shows on any device
What is Netflix
This was the very first viral internet meme, dating back to 1996
What is the Dancing Baby
This was Nintendos first and only 3rd person shooting game until its sequel was released two years after
What is Splatoon
This is the most disliked video on Youtube, with over 17 million dislikes
What is the Youtube rewind 2018?
This website lets you watch DISNEY movies DISNEY TV shows on any device
What is Disney+
This was the first meme template I saw when scrolling through reddit to make this question
What is the toothless meme?
This 1st person shooter is still quite popular despite being 12 years old.
What is TF2 (Team Fortress 2)
Uploaded by youtubes co-founder, on April 23rd 2005, this was the First ever video on the website
What is "Me at the zoo"
Heavy is Dead
Heavy is Dead