Figurative Funny Business
Perfectly Persuasive
Extremely Explanatory
Open-Ended Revealed
Reading is FUNdamental
This type of figurative language is used when a writer is trying to appeal to the senses. Lots of description and specific details are given.
What is imagery.
This is what you do at the end of your essay when you disagree. Since you are disagreeing with their idea, this is where you offer up a suggestion of your own.
What is an alternative.
There are two types of explanatory essays. Those are...
What are questions and quotes.
Please fill in the support from text for the following open-ended. In The Outsiders, Pony boy shows how his relationship with Johnny is different when he tells him that he coudn't talk about certain things with the other guys.
What is this shows that Pony boy only shows his true colors to people that he really trusts or feels comfortable around like Johnny or Cherry Valance.
Although I didn't want to do the research project, I SUBMITTED to the teacher's requests and completed it a day late. Use context clues and determine what the word SUBMITTED means.
What is ...gave in, followed, listened to
This type of figurative language makes a non-living object seem to come to life. It is not to be taken literally.
What is personification.
Opinions, Examples, Facts, Statistics, Quotes, Rhetorical Questions, Personal Experiences...These are all examples of...
What are details.
The most important part of the explanatory essay other than the details are the...
What are connections.
As a way to introduce your support from self, you could say... This shows... This indicates... What is another way that you could introduce your self-support?
What is It is obvious that, Clearly,
The ARTICHOKE can be very tasty, especially during the summer harvest, when they are ripe and abundant.They go well with steak, fish, and chicken recipes.
What is a vegetable.
"It is the moon and Juliet is the sun." -Shakespeare
What is metaphor.
To begin with, First of all, As a matter of fact, In addition, Furthermore, In conclusion, Finally, Last but not least, These are all examples of...
What are transitions.
Imagine a Scene, Three Words, Rhetorical Question, Dialogue, Quote... These are all types of...
What are hooks/attention getters.
Fill in the missing support from self. Brian survived by reflecting on his prior knowledge. He thought about Mr. Perpich and what he read about in books. It is clear that...
What is...Brian had to rely on the only thing he had, his brain.
The SPELUNKER ventured into the cave with his video equipment to perform a geological survey on underground rock formations. A SPELUNKER is...
What is someone who explores underground caves.
So you say that Sally and Samantha were seen on Sunset Boulevard selling sandwiches?
What is alliteration.
Logical, Legal, Time, Environment, Safety, Education, Money, Emotional, Ethical, Health... These are all types of...
What are reasons.
You are asked to write an explanatory that asks about a time you overcame a struggle. Name a strong text to text connection that you could possible use for this essay. It is up to the teacher whether it will count.
What are... Stanley from Holes, Buck from Call of the Wild, Brian from Hatchet, Ponyboy from Outsiders, Paul from Rowing the Bus, etc...
Fill in the missing support from self. Buck's visions of the hairy man symbolized how he wanted to be a wild dog running in the forest. He felt oddly familiar every time he had the vision. This shows...
What is ...that Buck's instincts were making him feel urges that he didn't quite understand, just like he didn't understand the visions.
As Kristy walked in with shiny, new, Adidas shoes, I OGLED them with so much jealousy, I thought my eyes would explode out of my head. OGLED means
What is stared, looked.
"My lips, two blushing pilgrims..." -Shakespeare
What is metaphor.
There are two types of persuasive essays. Those are...
What are state position and state idea.
You are asked to do an explanatory on the following quote. "You cannot control the ocean, but you can adjust the sails." What does this quote mean?
What is you can't control the world, but you can control you.
Making connections is important in lots of writing, like explanatory. Are connections made in an open-ended response?
What is yes. The extend.
The nincompoop SKIDADDLED over to the banana store to purchase more rubber chickens. SKIDADDLED means...
What is went.