In the First Vision, God called Joseph Smith to be a prophet
What is Joseph Smith History 1:15-20?
The Lord's representatives must be called by one who has authority (D&C 42:11)
What is Priesthood & Priesthood Keys?
D&C 1:37-38
What is The voice of the Lord and His servants is the same?
Original name of the Doctrine and Covenants
What is the Book of Commandments?
Examine concepts and questions with an eternal perspective
What is the second principle of acquiring spiritual knowledge?
Marriage between a man and a woman is ordained of God, and the family is central to His plan of salvation and to our happiness
What is D&C 49:15-17?
The only true and living church (D&C 1:30)
What is The Restoration?
D&C 89:18-21
What is Blessings of the Word of Wisdom?
The location where Joseph Smith received the first vision.
What is the Sacred Grove?
(or Palmyra, New York)
a feeling; words or phrases seem familiar or make sense to you; a quiet whisper; through others; a peaceful feeling
What are ways the spirit communicates eternal truths?
The Father and Son have bodies of flesh and bone
What is D&C 130:22-23?
The Lord is bound when we do what he says (D&C 82:10)
What is Ordinances & Covenants?
D&C 84:20-22
What is The power of godliness is manifest in priesthood ordinances?
Date that the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints was organized
What is April 6, 1830?
As part of the Lord's appointed process for obtaining spiritual knowledge, He has established ________________ through which He reveals truth and guidance to His children.
What are divinely appointed sources?
Joy in bringing souls to Jesus Christ
What is D&C 18:15-16?
To repent we must confess and forsake sin (D&C 58:42-43)
What is the Atonement of Jesus Christ?
D&C 19:16-19
What is The Savior suffered for our sins so we could repent?
Angel who repeatedly visited Joseph Smith in preparation for receiving the gold plates
Who is Moroni?
This can be one of the most difficult principles when you are faced with a question.
What is act in faith?
Priesthood power depends on one's righteousness
What is D&C 121:36, 41-42?
Jesus Christ created the heavens and the earth under the direction of the Father (D&C 76:22-24)
What is the Plan of Salvation?
D&C 107:8
What is The authority of the Melchizedek Priesthood?
When Joseph Smith and other church leaders were imprisoned at Liberty jail
What is the winter of 1838-1839?
2 of the 3 doctrinal mastery passages which relate to Acquiring Spiritual Knowledge
D&C 6:36
D&C 8:2-3
D&C 88:118