Books - from the Greek word Biblos
What does the word Bible mean?
Men divinely inspired
Who wrote the bible?
Salvation is its end
What is the purpose of the bible?
God / creator , Jesus / Redeemer, Holy Spirit / Preserver
What are the offices of the Godhead?
God is an infinite and intelligent Spirit
What is God?
Old Testament & New Testament
What are the 2 divisions of the Bible?
It is Truth without any mixture of error
Does the Bible contain mistakes?
4 Gospels
1 book of History
21 Epistles
1 book of Prophecy
What is the breakdown of the New Testament books?
It can be apprehended but not comprehended
Can you explain the Doctrine of the Trinity?
They are equal in every divine perfection.
What is the similarity between the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit?
How many books are in the bible?
How many in the OT?
How many in the NT?
Through Divine Inspiration: Heavenly Instruction
By what means did the writers pen the bible?
Divine Inspiration
What determines the canonicity of the Bible?
Jesus Christ is God
What is meant by the Deity of Christ?
They execute distinct but harmonious offices
What is the difference between the Father, the Son and The Holy Spirit?
A binding or solemn agreement; contract
What is another word for testament?
What does covenant mean?
It reveals the principles by which God will judge us
What is the revelation of the Bible?
The Holy Scripture is totally sufficient and supreme as God's guide to His Righteous Revelation. It is Incapable of error in setting forth Doctrine on Faith and Morals.
What is meant when we speak of infallibility of Scripture?
Unity, Immutability, Eternal, Self-Existent, Omniscient, Omnipresent
Name the Natural Attributes of God
The Maker and Supreme Ruler of Heaven and earth
Who is God?
What is the principal language of the OT?
What is the principal language of the NT?
Deliverance from the penalty and power of Sin, permitting man to enjoy the blessings of God
What is Salvation?
Explain each: Edenic, Adamic, Noahic, Abrahamic, Mosaic, Palestinian, Davidic, New
What are the 8 covenants of the bible, whom were they written?
Redemption is the process of buying back and Salvation is what has been purchased - namely, Deliverance from Sin's dominion and consequence.
What is the difference between Redemption and Salvation?
God is honored, renowned, awesome in Majesty
What is meant by the descriptive that says God is Glorious?