This is who the Lord says will hear His voice (verse 2).
Who are all men?
Thought-Provoking Question: How does the promise that “no ear shall not hear” inspire you to share the gospel with others?
This group of people was chosen to carry the voice of warning (verse 4).
Who are the disciples of God?
Thought-Provoking Question: How do you feel about being one of God’s chosen servants today?
Repentance leads to this blessing (verse 32).
What is forgiveness?
Thought-Provoking Question: How can making repentance a daily practice deepen your relationship with God?
God called upon this person to restore the gospel (verse 17).
Who is Joseph Smith?
Thought-Provoking Question: What impresses you most about Joseph Smith’s willingness to follow God’s commands?
This animal, known for its impressive memory, is capable of distinguishing human faces and using tools, and is often considered one of the most intelligent animals on Earth.
What is an elephant?
The rebellious will face this consequence (verse 3).
What is being pierced with much sorrow?
Thought-Provoking Question: How can recognizing the consequences of rebellion help us stay on the covenant path?
The weak and simple will bring down this group (verse 19).
Who are the mighty and strong ones?
Thought-Provoking Question: How does knowing God works through humble individuals strengthen your faith in His plan for you?
The Spirit will not always strive with this group (verse 33).
Who are the unrepentant?
Thought-Provoking Question: How can you ensure the Spirit continues to strive with you?
The Book of Mormon came forth by this power (verse 29).
What is the power of God?
Thought-Provoking Question: How has the Book of Mormon strengthened your testimony of the Restoration?
This insect, known for its highly organized colonies, has more than 12,000 species worldwide and plays a crucial role in ecosystems by pollinating plants.
What is an ant?
The Lord’s voice is sent to the ends of this place (verse 11).
What is the earth?
Thought-Provoking Question: What does it mean to you that the gospel message is universal, not limited by geography or culture?
The gospel is to be proclaimed by this type of people (verse 23).
Who are the weak and the simple?
Thought-Provoking Question: Why do you think the Lord uses “weak and simple” people instead of powerful and influential leaders?
The everlasting covenant was established so this could increase (verse 21).
What is faith on the earth?
Thought-Provoking Question: How can you help strengthen faith in your home and community?
This group lays the foundation of the Church and brings it out of obscurity (verse 30).
Who are the recipients of the commandments?
Thought-Provoking Question: How can we contribute to building and strengthening the Church today?
This aquatic mammal is the only species of its family that uses tools, such as rocks, to crack open shellfish.
What is a sea otter?
The Lord declares this is coming soon, and we must prepare (verse 12).
What is the Second Coming?
Thought-Provoking Question: How can we better “prepare” ourselves spiritually and physically for the Second Coming?
The commandments were given to Joseph Smith in this manner (verse 24).
What is after the manner of his language?
Thought-Provoking Question: How does God’s ability to speak to us in our own “language” help you feel His love and concern?
This happens to light that is not acted upon (verse 33).
What is being taken away?
Thought-Provoking Question: What can you do to ensure you act on the light and knowledge God gives you?
The Restoration is meant to prepare the earth for this event (verse 22).
What is the Second Coming of Christ?
Thought-Provoking Question: How can living the gospel now prepare you for the Savior’s return?
This mammal is known for its ability to grow back its liver and is often associated with leprosy.
The arm of the Lord will be revealed to those who do not do this (verse 14).
What is hear the voice of the Lord?
Thought-Provoking Question: How can we more fully listen to and recognize the Lord’s voice in our daily lives?
These people can speak in the name of God (verse 20).
Who are all people?
Thought-Provoking Question: What responsibility do you feel to use your voice to share God’s message?
God cannot look upon this with the least degree of allowance (verse 31).
What is sin?
Thought-Provoking Question: How can you better align your life with God’s standards?
This promise accompanies those who are humble and obedient (verse 28).
What is receiving knowledge from on high?
Thought-Provoking Question: How has humility and obedience opened the door for greater knowledge and blessings in your life?
This nocturnal, carnivorous mammal from Australia is famous for its sharp teeth and aggressive behavior and is the largest marsupial carnivore.
What is a Tasmanian devil?