This heavenly messenger delivered the words found in Doctrine & Covenants 2.
Who is the angel Moroni?
Why do you think Moroni emphasized the promises made to the fathers?
The angel Moroni first appeared to Joseph Smith in this location.
What is Joseph Smith’s bedroom?
Why do you think the Lord often communicates through heavenly messengers?
What did Joseph first think about when he saw the plates?
He thought about how much money they were worth.
How old was Joseph Smith when he experienced the First Vision?
This is the name of the galaxy that contains our solar system.
What is the Milky Way?
Doctrine & Covenants 2 references the hearts of this group turning to their fathers.
Who are the children?
What does it mean for our hearts to turn to our ancestors in our modern-day context?
The plates Joseph was shown were buried in this hill.
What is the Hill Cumorah?
Why do you think the plates were hidden for so long before being revealed?
What did Moroni say about Joseph Smith being ready to take the places?
He said that he wasn't quite ready.
What does it mean to be “ready” for God’s work, and how can we prepare ourselves?
Where is the Sacred Grove located?
Palmyra, New York
These are chunks of rock or metal that burn up as they enter Earth’s atmosphere, often called “shooting stars.”
What are meteors?
The mission of Elijah mentioned in Doctrine & Covenants 2 is described using this word, meaning to "bind" across generations.
What is sealing?
Why do you think sealing ordinances are central to the gospel of Jesus Christ?
What was the first thing that Moroni said to Joseph?
He told him that God had forgiven him.
Why do you think he mentioned this first?
Joseph was told to return how often to the Hill Cumorah?
Every year until he was ready.
What year did the first vision happen?
This red planet is known as the "Roman god of war" and might one day be a place humans visit.
What is Mars?
Doctrine & Covenants 2 states that if the promises are not fulfilled, this will happen to the earth.
What is "the earth will be utterly wasted at His coming"?
How does temple work help prevent the earth from being "utterly wasted"?
Moroni appeared to Joseph Smith this many times in one night.
What is three times?
What does Moroni’s repeated visitation teach about the importance of the message he delivered?
How many years after the first vision did Joseph first see the plates?
3 years
These were the first words Heavenly Father spoke to Joseph in the First Vision.
What is "This is My Beloved Son. Hear Him!"?
How can you personally “hear Him” in your life today?
This giant planet has a Great Red Spot that’s actually a massive storm.
What is Jupiter?
The priesthood keys mentioned in Doctrine & Covenants 2 were restored by this prophet during the Kirtland Temple dedication period.
Who is Elijah?
How do the keys restored by Elijah empower individuals and families in God’s plan of salvation?
Moroni told Joseph Smith that his name would be known for this, among all nations.
What is both good and evil?
How can we courageously stand for truth, knowing that we may face criticism like Joseph did?
How many years did it take until Joseph Smith was ready to receive the plates?
When Joseph prayed, this happened before he saw Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ.
What is "he was seized by a power of darkness"?
Why do you think opposition often precedes moments of great spiritual significance?
This is the hottest planet in our solar system, even though it’s not the closest to the Sun.
What is Venus?