What is another name for Doctrine and Covenants 20?
The Articles and Covenants of the Church
Who was the first prophet of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints?
Joseph Smith
What is an ordinance?
A sacred act performed by priesthood authority
Who was the first person baptized after the priesthood was restored?
Oliver Cowdery
What does it mean to sustain the prophet?
To follow, support, and pray for him
In what year was the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints officially organized?
April 6, 1830
What was the primary reason for the restoration of Christ’s Church?
To bring back the fullness of the gospel after the Great Apostasy
What is the first ordinance someone receives when they join the Church?
What role did Oliver Cowdery play in the early Church?
He was the First Assistant to the Prophet and a scribe for the Book of Mormon
What promise does God give to those who follow His commandments in faith?
They will receive blessings and guidance
Who received the revelation recorded in Doctrine and Covenants 20?
Joseph Smith
What book did Joseph Smith translate by the power of God that helped restore the gospel?
The Book of Mormon
What is required for baptism to be valid according to Doctrine and Covenants 20?
Proper priesthood authority and immersion in water
Which three men were chosen as the first witnesses of the Book of Mormon?
Oliver Cowdery, David Whitmer, Martin Harris
How can we apply Doctrine and Covenants 22 to our lives today?
By remembering that true baptism comes through proper authority and continuing in faith
What is one purpose of Doctrine and Covenants 20?
To outline Church organization, priesthood duties, and ordinances
Who visited Joseph Smith and Oliver Cowdery to restore the Aaronic Priesthood?
John the Baptist
Which priesthood office has the authority to administer the sacrament?
Priests and elders
Where was the Church officially organized?
Fayette, New York
Why is it important to continue in faith after being baptized?
Because baptism is just the beginning of our discipleship
What two offices in the priesthood are specifically mentioned in Doctrine and Covenants 20?
Elders and Priests
What did the Lord declare about His Church in Doctrine and Covenants 21:4-5?
That the prophet should be followed in patience and faith
What is the purpose of the sacrament?
To remember Christ and renew our covenants
What did Joseph Smith say was necessary for the Church to grow in unity?
Faith, patience, and following the prophet
What is one way we can strengthen our testimony of the restored Church today?
Studying scriptures, praying, and serving others