Doctrinal Mastery
Church History
Doc’s & Princ’
Gospel is FUN!

This Doctrinal Mastery says, "I saw a pillar of light exactly over my head, above the brightness of the sun, which descended gradually until it fell upon me."

What is JSH 1:15-20?


Joseph Smith obtains the gold plates on this day in history.

What is September 22, 1827


Joseph learned these 2 truths about the Godhead during the first vision. 

What is that God the father and Jesus Christ are two separate beings & they have bodies of flesh and bones?


Who is Joseph youngest brother?

Who is "Don Carlos"

A phrase commonly said by President Nelson and the apostles to remind of us where our focus should be.

What is "Hear Him" OR "Think Celestial"?

Either answer is acceptable.


This is what Doctrine and Covenants 6:36 says NOT to do. 

What is, "doubt” and “fear”?


Joseph learned that the work of God cannot be frustrated, only the work of men because of this event in history. 

What is the loss of the 116 pages of the translated manuscript?


What does Christ teach will bring us great joy?

What is "bring souls unto me"


This gentleman sacrificed financially to help Joseph Smith bring forth the Book of Mormon. He had a persistent wife, struggled with his testimony and was often commanded to be humble, repent and seek the Lord. 

Who is Martin Harris?


This guy cannot read your mind or heart, therefore he will never be able to inspire you or answer your prayers. 

Who is Satan? 


This scripture reminds us that the Holy Ghost will speak to our hearts our minds to reveal what Heavenly Father would have us know. 

What is Doctrine and Covenants 8:2-3?


This section of the Doctrine in Covenants regarding missionary work was received in February of 1829.

What is Doctrine & Covenants section 4?


The Lord loves this. He required this of Joseph Smith and the early members of the church. He requires it of us today. 

What is Effort? 


This messenger was the one that taught and guided Joseph through the process of obtaining the gold plates and learning the Lords plan for him. 

Who is the Angel Moroni?


What does Christ teach about your worth?

"The worth of souls is great in the sight of God"


These characteristics identify the Church that Joseph Smith was instrumental in restoring to the earth.

What is the “only true and living church”?

See D&C 1:30


These three witnesses were commissioned by Heavenly Father to see the gold plates and testify to the world of the truthfulness of them. 

Who are Oliver Cowdery, David Whitmer and Martin Harris?


What holds the keys of the ministering of angels, repentance, and baptism?

What is "Aaronic priesthood"


The specific Names of 2 people who believed and supported Joseph Smith in restoring the Gospel of Jesus Christ from the time he was 14 years old.

Who is Jospeh Smith Sr. & Lucy Mack Smith?


Who are Joseph Smith’s Parents? 


This is how the Lord will cause us to know something is WRONG after we have studied it out in our minds.

See D&C 9:9

What is a stupor of thought?


In D&C 1:37-38 these 2 things are the same. 

What is “mine own voice” and “the voice of my servants?”


Put these events in order:

Organization of the church (O), First Vision (FV) Move to Kirtland, Ohio MK), Restoration of the Priesthood (RP) and Joseph received the gold plates(GP)

What is: FV, GP, RP, O, MK?

First Vision, Joseph received the gold plates, Restoration of the Priesthood, Organization of the church, and Move to Kirtland, Ohio?


What did the lord teach about God and satan?

What are the God is wisdom, satan is cunning


On April 5, 1829 this person arrived in Harmony, PA to meet the prophet Joseph Smith 

Who is Oliver Cowdery?


What brings Christ joy?

What is "a soul that repenteth"
