Those who follow the counsel in their patriarchal blessing will be less likely to go astray.
True or False
What is the rhyme for D&C 1: (Hint: true and living)
What is The true and living church begun
How old was Joseph Smith when he saw Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ?
What is
14 years old
Who came to restore the Lords Aaronic priesthood to the earth?
What is
John the Baptist
Who was the man who lost the 116 manuscript pages?
Who is
Martin Harris
Patriarchal blessings should be read in public.
True or False
Patriarchal blessings are sacred and personal.
D&C ____
Revelation is great
What is 8
What was Joseph Smith's wife's name?
What is
Emma Hale
Who came to restore the Lords Melchizedek priesthood to the earth?
Peter James and John
The Lord says multiple times "A ______ and _________ work is about to come forth unto the children of men.
What is
Your patriarchal blessing declares your lineage.
True or False
Recite the scripture for this years youth theme D&C 6:36
What is
Look unto me in every thought DOUBT NOT FEAR NOT
Where was Joseph born?
What is
Sharon Vermont
"Every woman and every man who makes covenants with God and keeps those covenants, and who participates worthily in priesthood ordinances, has direct access to the power of ____.”
What is
President Nelson
D&C 8:2
Yea, behold, I will tell you in your ____ and in your ____, by the Holy Ghost, which shall come upon you and which shall dwell in your heart.
What is
"A patriarchal blessing is precious, it is personal __________ to you."
What is
President Nelson Quote
What is the scripture reference for:
This is my beloved son
What is
Joseph Smith History 1
What book of scripture was Joseph Smith reading when he read...If any of ye lack wisdom, let him ask of God?
What is
the Bible
Specifically the New Testament
Name 3 ordinances that the Lord has made available to us through His priesthood.
What is
The Sacrament
Temple Endowment
Temple sealing (marriage)
Blessing of babies
Being set apart for priesthood
Dedicating homes or graves
Father's blessings
When Joseph gave the pages to Martin Harris he was fearing _____ more than _____.
What is
The first step that you need to do in order to receive your patriarchal blessing.
What is
Schedule an interview with the Bishop
What is the rhyme for D&C 13
What is
Aaronic Priesthood Conferring
What did Joseph have surgery on?
What is
His leg
Joseph Smith and Oliver Cowdery were reading about how the Nephites were given the power to _________. Wanting this for themselves they went to the woods to pray and were visited by John the Baptism who conferred the Aaronic Priesthood to them.
What is
What is the great and marvelous work that is about to come forth among the children of men?
What is
Missionary Work/Restoration of the Gospel/Temple Work