The person who funded the Book of Mormon
Martin Harris
True or False: Jesus Christ bled from every pore when he atoned for us.
Misery (D&C 19:33)
Wherefore, I command you to _________.
Repent (D&C 19:13, 15, 20)
The sacrifice Martin Harris made so the Book of Mormon could be printed
He mortgaged his farm- if the book of mormon didn't sell well he would lose his farm
The reason Christ said He suffered as contained in Doctrine & Covenants 19:16.
He suffered so that the people who repented would not suffer.
Fill in the blanks: "Wherefore, I ________ you to ________, and keep the ______________ which you have received by the hand of my servant, Joseph Smith, Jun. in my name;" (D&C 19:13)
command; repent; commandments
The reason Jesus Christ suffered as stated in D&C 18:11.
That all people might repent and come unto Him. He brings all people unto Him on conditions of repentance.
When was the revelation contained in Doctrine & Covenants 19 given?
The summer of 1829 (see section heading).
True or False: The pain Jesus Christ suffered in Gethsemane would have killed a mortal person.
The Lord promises us this if we learn of Him, listen to His words, and walk in the meekness in His Spirit.
Peace (D&C 19:13)
What was Martin commanded to preach in Doctrine & Covenants 19:21?
Repentance (D&C 19:21)
The number of the first copies of the book of mormon that were printed
Christ said His suffering caused Him to tremble because of pain and bleed at every pore. Identify 4 things he suffered for all of us.
Pains, afflictions, temptations, sickness, death, infirmity, grief, sorrow, anguish, wickedness, sins, iniquity, hunger, thirst, fatigue, anguish, chastisement of our peace.
What is something you can sacrifice for the Lord- like Martin Harris sacrificed his farm?
What does it mean to repent?
To admit you did something wrong and change. To be reborn in Jesus Christ.
The name of the printer who published the Book of Mormon.
Egbert Grandin
How do you feel knowing that Jesus Christ suffered for your sins, anguish, sorrow, pain, and grief? How will this knowledge affect your actions outside of church?
Heartfelt response.
How many times did the Lord command Martin Harris to repent in Doctrine & Covenants 19?
Three. (D&C 19:13, 15, 20)
True or False: choosing not to repent means you will be tormented endlessly for all eternity.
False (D&C 19:10-12). It is Endless punishment because it is given from God, and one of His titles is Endless.