Prophet of the last dispensation
Who was Joseph Smith
Book of Mormon burial place
What is the Hill Cumorah?
Ancient prophet who is talking to Joseph in D&C 2.
Who is Moroni
This ordinance must be performed by one having Priesthood authority.
What is baptism
This person lost 116 pages of the Book of Mormon translation
Who was Martin Harris
The place where Joseph Smith was born
What is Sharon, Windsor County Vermont
Joseph heard and pondered a great deal about this scripture.
What is James 1:5
The Tishbite prophet who appeared to Peter, James and John
Who is Elijah
Joseph Smith's wife (maiden name)
Who was Emma Hale
Site of first later day temple
Where is Kirtland, Ohio
The scripture that states "And he shall plant in the hearts of the children the promises made to the fathers, and the hearts of the children shall turn to their fathers".
What is Doctrine & Covenants 2: 2
The people that appeared to Joseph in the first vision
Who are Jesus Christ and Heavenly Father
Moroni told Joseph Smith's to tell this person about the angelic visit.
Who was Joseph Smith Sr.
Town where first Book of Mormon was printed.
Where was Palmyra, New York
The prophet mentioned in the first verse of Doctrine and covenants 2
who is Elijah
Joseph Smith had the first vision this year
What is 1820
Joseph Smith's eldest brother who dies in these verses
Who was Alvin Smith
The place where Joseph met Emma
Where was Harmony, Pennsylvania
The number of times Joseph visited the plates BEFORE he was aloud to have them.
What is 4
What was Joseph Smith's job when he met Emma smith
digging for a silver mine