Martin Harris was pressured by this person to show her the gold plates.
Who was Martin Harris' wife, Lucy Harris?
Man who provided Joseph Smith with money to help him.
Who was Martin Harris?
This is the most commonly used Section of the Doctrine and Covenants related to missionary work.
What is Doctrine and Covenants Section 4?
Who gave the opening prayer?
Sam Goedhart
This man was the first modern prophet.
Who was Joseph Smith?
If you get poisoned from eating a certain type of meat what meat is it??
What do you call a pig the does Karate
A Porkchop
The first 116 pages that Joseph Smith translated from the Book of Mormon were called what?
What was the Book of Lehi?
Martin Harris died in this Utah town, and every few years the church holds a Martin Harris pageant at the cemetery where he is buried.
What is Clarkston Utah?
If you chose to serve God, you should do it will all of your might, mind, strength and this.
What is your heart?
Who blessed the sacrament?
Cree, Asher, Teegan
Joseph Smith translated the Book of Mormon from these.
What are the Gold Plates?
Non Player is called?
What is a bot
Who makes the most money out of all the sports?
Cristiano Ronaldo
This is the greatest cause of people doing things that they shouldn't.
What is Peer Pressure?
This professor verified the translation of the Book of Mormon.
Who was Professor Charles Anthon
The color of the field that is ready to harvest
What is white?
What was the sacrament hymn?
173 While of these emblems we partake
Joseph Smith received the Gold Plates from this angel.
Who was Moroni?
What Minecraft character has a beard?
Who is Steve
500 times 2 divided by 2
Joseph Smith's friendship with this man, caused him to disobey God in showing the 116 page manuscript to others.
Who was Martin Harris?
These 3 men were witnesses to an angel showing them the Gold Plates.
Who were David Whitmer, Oliver Cowdery and Martin Harris?
These attributes qualify one for the work of God.
What is faith, hope, charity, with and eye single to the glory of God.
What color was the Bishop's tie today?
light blue, turquoise
Joseph Smith's wife.
Who was Emma Hale?
Which monster has three heads?
What is a Wither
What did one stop light say to the other stop light
Stop Looking, Im changing
Joseph Smith succumbed to peer pressure by letting Martin Harris take the 116 page manuscript, the pages were lost, and Joseph was punished by God in this way.
What was he could no longer translate and was rebuked by God?
Martin Harris provided the funds for the printing of the Book of Mormon; he obtained the funds from this source.
What was mortgaging his farm?
This attribute is mentioned twice in the verses 5 and 6 of D&C 4.
What is Charity?
How many people shared their testimony?
Doctrine & Covenants Section 4 was revealed as instruction for this person.
Who was Joseph Smith Sr.?
where do you find turtle eggs??
What is the desert near a lake, pond in the sand, ALWAYS IN THE SAND
How much money does Jeff Bazoes make a second
$3,715.00 a second