In D&C 6:3, this is described as "white already to harvest."
What is the field?
In D&C 6:10-11, Oliver is reminded of this sacred ability he possesses.
What is the gift of revelation?
In D&C 6:5, the Lord promises that if we ask and knock, these things will happen.
What are receive and have it opened to us?
In D&C 6:36, looking to the Lord in every thought will help us do these two things.
What is doubt not, fear not?
According to D&C 9:7, Oliver supposed God would give him revelation with him doing this.
What is ask God?
In D&C 6:6, Oliver Cowdery is commanded to help establish this.
What is the cause of Zion?
According to D&C 8:6-7, Oliver is given this special gift.
What is the gift of Aaron?
According to D&C 6:23, the Lord gave Oliver this feeling as a witness of truth.
What is peace?
According to D&C 8:10, without faith, we can do this.
What is nothing?
In D&C 6:7, the Lord says we should seek wisdom instead of this.
What are riches?
According to D&C 6:9, this is the primary message Oliver is told to teach.
What is repentance?
In D&C 8:3, this prophet used the spirit of revelation to part the Red Sea.
Who is Moses?
D&C 8:2 explains that when we receive revelation, the Lord speaks to these two parts of us.
What are the mind and the heart?
D&C 6:19 lists several Christlike attributes we should develop. Name two.
What are patience, faith, hope, charity, or temperance?
D&C 8:1 promises that Oliver could receive knowledge of ancient records if he asked with these two things.
What are faith and an honest heart?
In D&C 6:28, the Lord states that this number of witnesses will establish His word.
What is two or three?
D&C 6:13 states that there is no greater gift than this.
What is the gift of salvation?
According to D&C 9:8, before seeking revelation, we must first do this.
What is study it out in our mind?
In D&C 9:13, the Lord promises Oliver that if he is does what he was commanded, this will happen.
What is prosper?
According to D&C 9:9, when something is not right from the Lord, we will experience this.
What is a stupor of thought?
According to D&C 9:4, rather than translating, Oliver was primarily called to do this.
What is write for Joseph Smith?
D&C 9:8 describes this as the spiritual confirmation we receive when something is right.
What is a burning in the bosom?
According to D&C 9:8, these are the things we need to do before receiving revelation.
What are study and ask?
D&C 6:34 states that if we are built upon this, our enemies will not prevail.
What is the rock of Christ?
D&C 6:27 encourages Oliver to use his gift to bring to light scriptures that were hidden because of this.
What is iniquity?