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What are the top 3 things required when writing documentation? 

1) Factual

2) Objective 

3) Timley 


I am used in order to share client details with other agencies. 

Consent Form 


You are on your first shift at placement and haven't been scheduled for any trainings yet. Your supervisor asks you to shadow a coworker. Your coworker said says " I need to run to the washroom, can you give client AC her morning meds, I'll be back shortly"? 

What do you do? 

Inform them that you are unable to because you are not medically trained and that you can be held liable legally


This type of documentation is completed when a case is closing or a client is being referred to another service.

Discharge Report


Name 3 search engines you can use to find jobs

Indeed, Charity Village, Glass Door, linked in, Monster, Workopolis, Career builder 


Name 2 ways you can secure your documentation

1) Password Protected (Encrypted)

2) Lock and Key in a filing cabinet


I am written record that documents interactions, observations, interventions, and progress related to a client

Case note


Client comes to you and informs you that she is depressed and wants to see a therapist. What do you do?



If a social worker documents a client’s direct words, they should use this form of punctuation to indicate accuracy.

Quotation Marks


A cover letter should be summited with all job applications. True or false

TRUE... It helps you stand out

What is documentation? 

Documentation refers to the process of recording and maintaining detailed, accurate, and confidential records about client interactions, assessments, interventions, and progress. Proper documentation is essential for effective case management, legal compliance, communication among professionals, and ensuring clients receive appropriate support.


I am a personalized, practical plan designed to help individuals identify steps to protect themselves from harm in situations involving danger, crisis, or emotional distress. 

Safety Plan


You notice that your client is being abused by her partner and continues going back because of her kids. You want to refer her to a DV center. In order to do that, what do you need to do first?

Get her consent


This type of documentation records a client's demographic details, history, and presenting issues at the start of service.

Intake Report


When writing your resume. It is important to make sure there are little to no gaps in your....

Work History 


If you make a mistake while writing documentation, what should you not do and do instead...

No WHITEOUT! Cross out the mistake and initial above or beside it!


I am used to evaluate the level of risk a client may face in situations involving harm, neglect, abuse, self-harm, violence, or exploitation. It helps determine the level of intervention needed to ensure the safety and well-being of the client and others involved. 

Risk Assessment

While cooking dinner with your client she sliced her finger. She refused to go to the hospital because she says it's not that deep. What do you do?

Write an incident report 

In cases of suspected abuse or neglect, social workers are required by law to document and report their concerns to these authorities.



What is the most common resume format, this style lists work experience in reverse chronological

chronologic order 
When writing case notes and incident reports what do you need to put at the end of each paragraph? 

Your initials in closed brackets. (SM)


I am used to track behavoiurs in order to track behaviors. 

ABC Chart: Antecedent-Behaviour-Chart 


Lisa, a 15-year-old girl, has been skipping school frequently and isolating herself from friends and family. Her teacher reports that Lisa appears withdrawn, has lost weight, and has been seen with bruises on her arms. When asked about the bruises, Lisa says she "fell down the stairs," but her explanation seems inconsistent. A friend of Lisa confides in the school counselor that Lisa has been talking about feeling hopeless and has mentioned that "no one would care if I was gone." 

What do you need to do?

Risk Assessment:

Assessing Severity & Likelihood:

  • Severity: High (potential risk of harm from abuse or self-harm).
  • Likelihood: Moderate to high, based on Lisa’s statements and physical signs.

Common words used amongst a certain group of professionals in reports. 



Name 3 ways to stand out to employers

1) Tailor your resume and cover letter to the job 

2) Network, get referrals, volunteer 

3)Showcase your skills

4) Increase your online profile via linked in
