This type of BOM is used if we have to go with our second-choice supplier.
What is an alternate?
Monkeys peel their bananas from this end.
What is the bottom?
Systems are more reliably designed if redundancy is achieved by placing components in this configuration.
What is parallel?
TinkerCAD won't provide you a layout, but it will give you this kind of a system document.
What is a schematic?
In a flowchart, decisions are always identifiable because they are written in this shape of a flow diagram element.
What is a diamond?
When it comes to Bills of Materials "Each" is described as being one of these.
What is a unit?
Excellent instructions as for example the Ikea Billy instructions, have none of these.
What are words?
When we place 3 identical items in series, the overall reliability of the system does this.
What is goes down?
Miro and Visio are 2 types of software that allow to produce these kinds of documents.
What are schematics?
Flowchart elements found at the top and bottom of the flowchart representing start and end of the process have this shape.
What is oval?
After graduation, if you join any automotive, aerospace, food retail, or other manufacturing industry, you will certainly hear of this German company.
What is SAP?
In spaghetti diagrams, we see these curvilinear lines between workstations indicating the movement of people.
What are arrows?
when we place 3 identical items in parallel the overall reliability of the system does this.
what is goes up?
A document that shows how the components of a system interact at a high level is called this.
What is a layout?
This software tool is great for making flowcharts.
What is Visio?
The act of sourcing, contract management, and ensuring delivery from our suppliers, is called this.
What is Procurement?
good instructions anticipate this.
What is where the recipient may struggle?
This is the acronym for the American agency that regulates laws associated with nature.
What is the USEPA or simply what is the EPA?
Only one of a schematic or a layout contains dimensions. This is the one that does.
What is a layout?
On a traditional flowchart, this is the maximum number of outputs any decision can have.
What is three?
Deliver duty paid (DDP), xworks (EXW), and Freight on Board (FOB) are examples of this.
What are shipping instructions?
This is how you know your instructions are good. You did this to them.
What is test?
If you design an escalator, carnival ride, ski lift, or pressure vessel in Ontario, what regulatory authority must you comply with?
Who are TSSA or What is the Technical Standards and Safety Authority?
Among the 2 types of drawings in this category, electronic diagrams are these.
What are schematics?
Parallelogram elements on a flowchart serve as input and output points for this type of information.
what is data?